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Westlock Seeding Cleaning Co-op is Upgrading their Seed Plant

Westlock Seeding Cleaning Co-op has taken on a massive new project — building a whole new plant.

Over the years business has increased at the Westlock Seed Cleaning Co-op, including adding services such as pedigreed seed sales. As business at the plant grew, the time spent running it rose until it was going 24/7.

“It’s kind of a shame that we’re having to build this new plant, because this plant still does have some life to it. But physically we’ve outgrown it,” Wayne Walker, manager of Westlock Seed Cleaning Co-op, says in a phone interview.

The plant was initially built in 1949 but sadly perished in a fire in 1974. The community rallied together and rebuilt in 1975. The rebuilt plant is the plant still operating to this day.

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