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WGRF Elects New Executive

The new executive for the Western Grains Research Foundation Board of Directors has been selected.
Dr. Keith Degenhardt was elected as the Chair and has a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from the University of Saskatchewan.
He and his family also operate a mixed cattle and seed farm at Hughenden, Alberta. 
Stewart Wells was elected as the Vice-Chair.  
He operates a third-generation family farm near Swift Current, Saskatchewan and has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan.
The following Directors were also elected to positions on WGRF Committees:
Executive Committee: Keith Degenhardt, Stewart Wells, Greg Sundquist, Jill Verwey, Terry Young,
Research Committee: Terry James (Chair), Bruce Dalgarno, Greg Sundquist, Kenton Possberg, Malcom Odermatt, Terry Young
Governance Committee: Jason Skotheim (Chair), Jill Verwey, Stewart Wells, Terry James, Wade Hainstock
Investment Committee: Bob Rugg (Chair), Bill Gehl, Jason Skotheim, Mark Akins
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