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What is new in the world of pigs in Canada?

One of the recent developments in Canada’s swine industry is a new training programme starting in December in Manitoba, Canada’s largest pig-producing province. About 14,000 Manitobans depend on the hog sector for their livelihoods, with over 2,500 working directly on farms as technicians and managers.

Assiniboine Community College will offer the new swine production technician course starting next month. It consists of 3 self-directed online courses. Students will learn regulations (mainly the national Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs), health and safety, record keeping and maintenance of barns and barn systems. They will also learn production practices related to production at various life stages, pig health care and breeding. Students will also build communication and conflict resolution skills.

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New Barn Build

Video: New Barn Build

A new 5000 head barn build in Milnor, ND. After lot lot of research and decision make, a North Dakota hog producer built a new state of the art 5000 head hog finishing setup. When the decision making was final it was decided to go with a ProSort three food court auto sorting system. Their research showed that hogs from a ProSort System was consistently two weeks sooner to market then from conventional pen barns.