By Laura Kenny
Hot and dry summers are especially hard for pastures in Pennsylvania. An extended drought throughout the Commonwealth can send forages into dormancy, and some pasture forages may be killed by the lack of water. If you are concerned that your pastures died last fall, you should start planning for spring now. You may need to completely reestablish your pastures. Unfortunately, this does take some time. It is not reasonable to expect a lush pasture in a month.
Dead or Dormant?
First, determine if your forage plants are merely dormant or fully dead. Examine the base of a plant and look for firm white or green tissue indicating that it is alive. If you are not sure, you can perform a "bag test," described in Are My Forages Dead or Dormant?
Soil Fertility
The first step in improving pastures is to make sure the soil conditions are ideal for forage growth. Ideally, a farm owner would have soil tested their pastures already and applied any lime and fertilizer that was recommended. If you have not done this, take a soil test next time the ground is unfrozen and somewhat dry. It is critical to make the soil conditions hospitable for grass growth as quickly as possible.
Lime is used to neutralize soil acidity, and depending on the product and needed amount, it can take months to reduce acidity in the soil. If your soil test result recommends lime, apply this as soon as possible. It can be applied any time the fields can be accessed with machinery (i.e., not too muddy, frozen deeper than the top, etc.). The fertilizer nutrient phosphorus (P) is especially important for seedling development, so if your soil test result shows "Below Optimum" phosphorus, this should be applied at or before seeding. "Below Optimum" potassium (K) should also be addressed. Nitrogen applications can wait until after the new seed has started growing and has established a strong root system.
Depending on your location and weather conditions, the optimal time to plant forages in Pennsylvania spring is mid-March to mid-May. Do not plant in cold, wet soil. While many farm owners hand-sprinkle or broadcast seed, this does not provide the ideal seed-to-soil contact that results in a great stand of grass. The most practical and effective planting method for pasture is a no-till drill. This implement slices a slit into the soil, drops seed in, and then presses the slit closed, all in one pass. These can often be rented or borrowed from Soil Conservation Districts, county Extension offices, or equipment dealers.
If a no-till drill cannot be procured, seed can be broadcast onto the ground and then harrowed lightly to pull some soil over it. A roller or cultipacker can be used to firm the soil afterward. Even turning the horses out for a few days can help to work the seed into the soil.
Pasture Establishment
Perhaps the most difficult part of reseeding pastures is waiting for the grass to establish before turning horses back out again. If the new pasture is grazed too soon, horses will pull the new seedlings out by the roots or graze them down to nothing before the plants have enough energy reserves to recover.
Consider a "tug test" if you think young grasses are ready to be grazed or mowed. Pull on the grass lightly in the newly seeded area. Does the whole plant, root and all, pull from the ground? Do the blades of grass snap off, leaving the root and base of the plant in the soil? Imagine the pressure your horse uses when grazing compared to your "tug." If you think the grass will stand up to that force, it is ready to graze. If not, give the stand a little more time and try the test again. You will find that it takes most forages about 6 inches of growth and being mowed to get the root depth and tillering density to tolerate pasture abuses. For the best chances of a healthy and resilient pasture, let the grass grow to about 6 inches and then mow it halfway to 3 inches. Repeat this twice more before grazing when forage reaches 6 inches a third time.
If you have no alternative turnout during this time, you could consider designating a dry lot or two while pastures establish. You could choose to renovate half of the pastures on the farm this year and the other half next year. Perhaps you split each pasture in half with temporary fence and renovate the empty half. Be creative in finding a way to rest these newly seeded pastures or areas.
Make sure to take good care of your new pasture plantings by keeping up with soil fertility, mowing, weed control, and grazing management. For more information on each of these practices, take our online course Fundamentals of Equine Pasture Management. To be prepared for future droughts, read these tips on evaluating and maintaining pastures in dry conditions.
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