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What Will Make Headlines in the June 2023 Hogs & Pigs Report?

Five economists take a look at the issues most likely to spark attention in the upcoming USDA Quarterly Hogs & Pigs Report to be released on June 29.

“Media reports and speculation have surfaced recently that industry contraction in sow numbers could occur relatively soon. I don’t expect to see a significant change to the breeding herd in the June report, but it could be an indication that the likelihood of impactful contraction later in the year is increasing if the breeding herd numbers move out of their recent sideways pattern in the June report.

The ratio of pig crop to breeding herd numbers is also one that I feel is very important. That productivity ratio has shown little growth in recent quarters after many years of pretty consistent growth. If pigs per sow productivity growth returns to the longer-term historical average, it will take even larger reductions to the breeding herd to match supplies with current pork demand.”

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