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Wheat Growers Offer Cautious Support to Grain Grading Changes

Today the Wheat Growers reviewed the updated Grain Grading Guide under the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The new standards will come into effect August 1, 2023. The updated standards are founded on science-based outcomes regarding sprouting, test-weight and foreign material tolerances.

President Gunter Jochum stated, “While supportive of many of the changes, using the stringent export tolerances for test weights and total foreign matter at elevator driveways will be an area the Wheat Growers are watching.”

It is unclear how aligning primary elevator standards with export standards will benefit Canadian farmers. It would be appropriate for the CGC to share any economic impact studies these changes will have on producers.

We fully support the new definition of sprouted wheat and the clarification of screen size for grading canola. These changes are crucial in addressing grading inconsistencies at primary elevators. As Wheat Growers, we have long advocated for modifications that prioritize science-based testing over visual inspection. It’s a significant step towards fair and accurate grading practices.

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