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Wheat Midge Emergence Is Underway

Producers are busy scouting fields for insect and disease issues.
Dr. Tyler Wist, a Research Scientist in Field Crop Entomology at AAFC's Saskatoon Research and Development Centre says wheat midge emergence is now underway.
"The economic threshold is one female wheat midge on five heads in your wheat field,  then you're at the threshold for preventing yield loss. It's just the females that you see sitting up on the heads because they're up there laying eggs. Now if you see one on 1ten heads then that's your threshold for preventing grade loss."
Wist says when they did the wheat midge survey they found a few hot spots in Saskatchewan.
"There was one around Lloydminster, there was one around Prince Albert, kind of one around Regina, and even one down around Estevan and then over by the Manitoba border  RM 334, 333 in Saskatchewan. Those are areas that we found over 1800 wheat midge larvae per square meter. We have to qualify that for those fields that are surveyed if some wheat midge got missed, they'll still come out."
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