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Wheat variety returns rate grows by 65% in recent study

Farmers are seeing some of their investments pay off big time as a new study is suggesting they're getting a huge return on what they're paying for wheat varieties.

As part of their grain levy, farmers pay into funds that go towards public research of wheat varieties which attempt to increase yield along with pest and disease resistance.

In the last study of data that concerns how much farmers are getting back from the program in 2012, it was determined that there was a return of $20 for every $1 sent to the levy.

Jake Leguee, the vice-chair of the board of directors for Sask Wheat, one of the organizations that helped with the study, said their recent analysis shows farmers are doing even better.

"They were actually able to determine that the return investment was even better this time. It's actually a  33 to 1 rate of return. Another way to think about that might be if you took a dollar and put it into a savings account, you'd be getting a 33% rate of return on that investment. If that's what I could get in my savings account I'd be putting every dollar I could into it." 

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