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When the Winter Feed Supply is Running Out and the Pastures Aren't Ready

It has been a tough winter for many cattle producers. The colder temperatures have lasted longer, and that has caused winter feed supplies to diminish rapidly.
“Much of the southern part of Alberta experienced dry summer conditions in 2017, so pastures were grazed more and longer than normal going into the fall season,” says Andrea Hanson, beef extension specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF). “Now, add the longer winter with the soils only starting to warm in late April, and that has delayed spring pasture growth by three to five weeks for 2018.”
“Some cattle producers are in the predicament of feed supplies running out and pastures not ready to be grazed. Producers may also need to get the cattle spread out in a pasture to keep the calves healthier,” adds Hanson.
If a producer is facing challenges finding feed, and the cattle need to be put on a pasture that is not ready to be grazed, Barry Yaremcio, beef and forage specialist with AF strongly suggests considering supplementation. “Supplementing cattle helps to reduce the need for animals to graze as long as they would otherwise, and it takes some of the pressure off the forage plants that are trying to get growing.”
Supplementation can be in the form of grains that provide a good energy source to the cows. Another option is range pellets sourced at a reasonable price. “Lactating cows require higher protein and energy to produce milk, and to be ready for breeding season,” explains Yaremcio. “Now is not the time to skimp on the nutritional requirements of the herd. Providing six to eight pounds of rolled barley per head per day in a trough in a pasture will help to ease the cows' need to graze. Expect to feed a bit more grain if you are feeding grain off the ground, as the cows will not be able to get it all.”
Hanson recommends, “If moving to pasture is the only option, choose the pasture with the greatest amount of thatch or old plant litter. The old plant material will provide added nutrition to the animals’ diet as well as protect the growing plant from being entirely taken when grazed.”
All these options are assuming that a producer has pulled any cows that have lost their calves this spring and could be fed a lower quality diet in a dry lot, leaving more high quality grass for the lactating cows.
Source : Alberta Ag and Forestry

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