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Where Do You Obtain Research Information?

Researchers at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Canada are conducting a survey of AASV members to learn more about (1) where and why swine veterinarians get research information, (2) what you think about this process, and (3) how this process may be improved. All members of the AASV are invited to participate. That’s approximately 1400 swine health specialists in over 40 countries! Researchers believe this is the first time globally, swine veterinarians have been surveyed on how they use and access research. The fully anonymous survey is 24 multiple choice questions and is also available in French and Spanish. It will take approximately 9 minutes to complete. Your input is greatly valued. As a token thank you, respondents completing the survey by April 30th can choose to enter a random draw for a copy of the 10th Edition of Diseases of Swine. More information and the survey (REB# 16JA029) can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

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Prepping Lambing Barns: Cleaning Pens & Moving Pregnant Ewes As Lambing Season Approaches

Video: Prepping Lambing Barns: Cleaning Pens & Moving Pregnant Ewes As Lambing Season Approaches

We're prepping for lambing season, so pregnant ewes are being moved, and barns are being cleaned out. Lambing season is just a week away at Ewetopia Farms, and the pressure is on! Watch as we carefully round up our pregnant ewes and move them to holding pens while their breeding pens are cleaned and prepped with fresh bedding, thereby transforming breeding pens into lambing pens in anticipation of our new lambs. It's all about creating a cozy, safe space for those first lambs to arrive.