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Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

By Amit Jhala and Sarah Sivits

Enlist corn and Enlist soybean producers in Nebraska will be able to use Enlist ONE (2,4-D Choline) and Enlist DUO (2,4-D Choline + Glyphosate) herbicides in the 2022 growing season after the United States Environmental Protection Agency revised guideline on March 29, 2022.

Growers are preparing to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and winter annual broadleaf weeds using 2,4-D products and are trying to find the best product options. Many growers and crop consultants were particularly interested in whether 2,4-D products such as LV4 ester, amine, etc. could be applied to terminate broadleaf cover crop species such as hairy vetch, field peas, or mixtures and broadleaf weeds such as henbit, field pennycress or marestail immediately before planting Enlist soybean. The answer for these 2,4-D-based herbicides listed above is NO. This is because their labels require soybean planting intervals to be anywhere from seven to 30 days after application, depending on the product and its use rate.

Check soybean planting interval on 2,4-D product label when selecting them to control winter annual weeds such as marestail, field pennycress and henbit.

For the use of 2,4-D ester products, the standard recommendation allows application of up to 0.5 lb active ingredient per acre (1 pint of a 4 lb per gallon formulation) at least seven days before soybean planting. Rates higher than 0.5 lb, but not exceeding 1 lb (1 quart of a 4 lb per gallon formulation) must be applied at least 30 days before soybean planting. These recommendations are designed to prevent the 2,4-D ester from injuring soybean.

This longer planting interval must be applied because Enlist™ soybean is not listed on LV4 ester, amine or other generic 2,4-D products.

Enlist E3® soybean became available commercially in 2019. Two 2,4-D products (Enlist ONE® and Enlist DUO®) are labeled to be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence or post-emergence (up to R1 soybean growth stage) for weed control in Enlist soybean. Thus, for those asking about using 2,4-D products such as LV4 ester, amine, etc. to terminate cover crop and weed species immediately after planting Enlist soybean, the answer is also NO, because these products are not labeled for use in Enlist soybean.

Take Home Message

  • You can use 2,4-D products such as Enlist ONE® (2,4-D choline) or Enlist DUO® (2,4-D choline + glyphosate) as per label requirements in a burndown application and plant Enlist soybean without a planting interval. You can also use these products as pre-plant, pre-emergence or post-emergence (up to R1 soybean growth stage) in Enlist soybean.
  • You can NOT use 2,4-D products such as 2,4-D LV4 ester, amine, etc. and immediately plant Enlist soybean. If you use these products, you have to maintain a soybean planting interval of seven to 30 days, depending on 2,4-D product used and its application rate. Read the label.
  • Do NOT apply any 2,4-D based herbicide before or after planting Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean as this trait is not resistant to any 2,4-D product.
  • Dicamba based products such as Engenia®, Tavium®, or XtendiMax® can be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence, or post-emergence in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean.
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