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Why State Funding Matters: Penn State Plays Critical Role for Pa. Agriculture

For Penn State alumnus Jim Shirk, a farm owner from Lancaster County, access to the research, information and programming offered by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Penn State Extension have allowed his family farm to thrive for nine generations. 

“My wife and I are the ninth generation to own our family farm in Lancaster County,” said Shirk, a 1993 graduate of the College of Agricultural Sciences. “It came into our family in 1758, so our family has been farming longer than the country has been around. One of the things that has helped our family [farm] not just survive but really continue to grow for nine generations has been access to tremendous information from the College of Agricultural Sciences and the Extension Service.”

Shirk, who also is a territory manager for Ceva Poultry, said the unbiased research conducted at Penn State helps the state's agriculture industry to address a variety of challenges, ranging from diseases like avian influenza to invasive pests like the spotted lanternfly. 

“It hits home with us personally because this is the industry that provides for my livelihood, and without Extension we could really be much more vulnerable,” Shirk said.

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