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Wild Oats Control Herbicide Label Expanded

Insight 339SC, a new herbicide from Gowan Canada which provides wild oats control, has had its label expanded in Canada, a Nov. 14 news release said. Insight 339SC has the Group 14 active ingredient Tergeo.

It provides wheat and corn growers with a fast-acting solution to their pre-seed burndown strategy. The release notes it has exceptional control of wild oats compared other pre-seed burndown herbicides.

“It was essential that control of wild oats be on the label from the start. With the incidence of biotypes of wild oats resistant to other modes of action increasing across Canada, the need for solutions to this expanding problem are immediate,” Dale Ziprick, product manager for Gowan Canada, said in the release.

Insight also controls an array of broadleaf weeds, including volunteer canola, kochia, lamb’s quarters, wild buckwheat, and red root pigweed, the release said. It’s registered as a pre-seed burndown herbicide in spring wheat and corn and will be available for use in the 2023 growing season.

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Founded in 1984, Keystone Agricultural Producers is Manitoba’s general farm organization, representing all Manitoba farmers across the province. Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.