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Winners Announced in FFA Swine Facility Contest

In December, the Missouri Pork Association, National Pork Board and the University of Missouri held the fourth annual FFA Swine Facility Management Contest in Columbia, Missouri. Eighteen teams competed in this hands-on event which focuses on real-world jobs in the pork industry. The top five teams and top four individuals will be recognized at the 2025 Missouri FFA Convention in Columbia, Missouri, next Spring.

This year’s first place team hailed from the North Shelby FFA Chapter. Team members included Sam Schwanke, Jared Johnston, Isaac Berry and Grady Gander. Second place in the contest went to the California FFA, which included team members Owen Pringer, Isaac Haile, Jose Martinez and Cody Schneider. The Pilot Grove FFA Chapter received third place, with team members Harlei Kammerich, Katie Fenical, Arleigh Watring and Britta Hoff. The fourth place Bowling Green FFA Team included members Abby Haas, Sophia Hartwig, Ava Gilbert and Reese Turner. In fifth place was the Macon FFA Chapter and members Tinley Schneider, Owen Young, Grayson Turnmire and Tobey Walker.

The contest also recognized the top four individuals in the contest. First place went to Jared Johnston with the North Shelby FFA. Owen Pringer with the California FFA received second, and Sam Schwanke with the North Shelby FFA placed third. In fourth place was Isaac Haile with the California FFA.

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Video: Prepping Lambing Barns: Cleaning Pens & Moving Pregnant Ewes As Lambing Season Approaches

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