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Wisconsin Ag Officials Hope For Stronger Ties With Mexico

By Hope Kirwan
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is sending a delegation to Mexico next month to strengthen dairy exports.
DATCP officials and agricultural companies from Wisconsin will have an exhibit at Expo Leche, Mexico's largest dairy conference.
A press release from DATCP said the purpose of the trade mission is to "establish and reinforce relationships with Mexico."
As President Donald Trump calls for negotiating trade with Mexico through the North American Free Trade Agreement, Bob Cropp from the University of Wisconsin-Madison said Wisconsin is not the only one looking to reinforce trade relationships.
"We've had people from the U.S. just recently go down to assure Mexico that we're serious about maintaining a strong relationship with them," Cropp said.
Mexico is Wisconsin's second largest Ag export market, buying $61 million dollars in dairy products in 2016.
The state's number one market is Canada. But that trade relationship has been strained in the last month as new Canadian policies make it harder for U.S. producers to compete.


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Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

Video: Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

In this month’s PigX episode, we look into research to identify the health status of pigs - especially for PRRS – utilizing key performance indicators. Researchers have developed a formula to help detect diseases earlier, offering a tool that facilitates faster and potentially more cost-effective data analysis compared to investing in additional farm technologies.

Joining us from Iowa State University are Drs. Gustavo Silva, an assistant professor in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, and Mafalda Mil-Homens, a PhD student and veterinarian. They share insights from their global experiences and how these have influenced their work in the Midwest swine industry.