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Wisconsin Soybean and Corn Disease Update

By Damon Smith and Brian Mueller

It has been a while since I posted a corn and soybean disease update for Wisconsin in 2021, and that is because it has been reasonably quiet in the disease world up to this point. However, recent scouting and incoming reports indicate that this could change a bit as we move into August. Let’s take a look at what has happened so far this season and what to keep an eye out for over the next month or so.

Two more counties added in Wisconsin just today. Getting pretty late to spray for tar spot, but scout and keep an eye on things especially if harvesting for silage!


Tar spot on corn, map Aug 12, 2021

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Accuracy in testing for DON

Video: Accuracy in testing for DON

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin naturally produced by the fungus that causes Gibberella ear rot in corn. Infection occurs through the corn silk channel when ideal temperatures (approx. 27°C) and higher humidity are present. Cool wet conditions after pollination favour continual disease development and determines the level of infection. Effective sampling, detection, and quantification of DON are challenging due to its uneven distribution on the ear as well as its presence across the field, resulting in infected and non-infected kernels in the same grain sample.