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Womack Calls for Level Playing Field for U.S. Poultry Producers in U.K. Trade Negotiations

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3), Co-Chair of the Congressional Chicken Caucus, today led a bipartisan letter with 46 of his colleagues urging U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to prioritize fair market access for hardworking American poultry producers during upcoming trade negotiations between the United States and United Kingdom (U.K.). The group outlined trade barriers U.S. producers currently face and called for the inclusion of U.S. poultry products in any new trade agreement. 
The letter states that while U.S. poultry is among the best—and safest—in the world, the European Union (E.U.) has unnecessarily banned U.S.-exported poultry for decades. With the U.K.’s departure from the E.U., our nation must seize this opportunity and restore a critical trading market for the American poultry industry. 
Congressman Womack said, “Third District farmers and poultry producers help feed and fuel families and our economy. Breaking down trade barriers in vital markets will unleash opportunity and allow more people from across the globe to access wholesome food. The Administration has prioritized standing up for American agriculture, and it’s paramount that we embrace this economic opportunity with one of our closest allies.”
“With almost one in five pounds of chicken being exported, a robust and expanding overseas market is extremely important to the economic health and well-being of the U.S. chicken industry,” said National Chicken Council President Mike Brown. “Including U.S. chicken is critical in any new trade agreement with the U.K. – an agreement that should not be hampered by artificial trade barriers. I want to thank Congressman Womack for his leadership on this issue and for the members who signed the letter for their commitment to expanding U.S. chicken exports.”
Joel Brandenberger, President of the National Turkey Federation, said, “America’s poultry producers are committed to raising high-quality, nutritious products. We appreciate Rep. Womack’s support of Arkansas turkey producers and processors through his leadership in calling for opening the United Kingdom to imports of U.S. poultry products as part of upcoming trade negotiations. Greater access to export markets for the U.S. turkey industry supports jobs and communities throughout Arkansas.”
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