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World Pork Expo Connects Canadian and U.S. Pork Producers

The President of the Canadian Pork Council is applauding the opportunity created by World Pork Expo for Canadian pork producers to reconnect with their friends in the U.S. pork sector.
After a three-year hiatus Canadian pork producers, product and service suppliers and other associated businesses are once again represented at World Pork Expo.
Rick Bergmann, the Chair of the Canadian Pork Council, says Canadian and American pork producers face a host of common challenges including California’s Proposition 12, the prospects of a return of Country-of-Origin Labelling and the threat posed by foreign animal disease and World Pork Expo is an opportunity to discuss those issues.

Clip-Rick Bergmann-Canadian Pork Council:
Both countries have a beehive of people working on prevention and preparedness.
We collaborate in different forums and update each other on what we're doing, how we're doing it and it actually helps both of us become better at what we do, which again is a testament of our relationship.
If we go back 15 years, there was a relationship but it was by far as good as it is now.
For example, as I walk through the World Pork Expo here, I'm approached by past presidents of the National Pork Producers Council so we've acquired friends.
The relationship has turned from a business relationship to a friendship so that's a testament of good collaboration.
World Pork Expo has seen a lot of Canadian participants here, either at the trade show or as producers coming in and taking a look at technology.
Again, that's a testament of the interconnectedness of the two countries in the pork sector so it's a time to celebrate.
For Canadians we haven't been here for a good three years and a delight to be back and many thanks to our American friends who treat us so well when we are down here.

Bergman says, in spite of a global pandemic, pork producers have continued to look after their animals and provide a source of protein to the world.

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