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WSU Premium Beef Offering Wholes and Halves of Angus Beef

Beef available this fall.

Know where your beef comes.

WSU Premium Beef results from a production system that has the highest welfare standards, relies on WSU students, and all takes place within 12 miles of the Pullman campus.

Know that it will be tasty and the cuts you want.

After harvest in our USDA inspected facility, the beef is aged three to four weeks to enhance tenderness and flavor. The butcher will ask you how you want it cut up.

The beef will cost $3.75 per hanging pound.

The cut and wrap will cost $1.05 per hanging pound.

The hanging weights will range between 750 and 850 pounds. A whole beef usually results in 375 to 425 pounds of retail product.

Call Brent at 509‑335‑3777 or send an email to to have your name put on the list.

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