Best of 2017 - Dairy Farming in Canada
Dec 14, 2017
From seeding to harvesting, we are always busy on our family dairy farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. This spring we realized around 800 acres of alfalfa winter-killed, so we grew some oats for hay and peas for silage to supplement this loss. We silaged 220 acres of peas, 700 acres of barley and 150 acres of corn. And combined 600 acres of barley and 900 acres of canola. Even though it was a dry year, we were blessed with very good yields.

 Best of 2017 - Dairy Farming in Canada

Best of 2017 - Dairy Farming in Canada

From seeding to harvesting, we are always busy on our family dairy farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. This spring we realized around 800 acres of alfalfa winter-killed, so we grew some oats for hay and peas for silage to supplement this loss. We silaged 220 acres of peas, 700 acres of barley and 150... More
 John Deere - Your Total Baling Solution

John Deere - Your Total Baling Solution

Take a look at how two well-engineered and efficient pieces of equipment deliver industry firsts (5-ft precut bales!) and industry exclusives (round bale accumulators!), so your herd gets the most out of their meals and you get the most out of your bale. Introducing the Zero Series Round Balers ... More
 Loading all Tanks on the C850 Cart

Loading all Tanks on the C850 Cart

Being able to load your cart with seed without moving the grain truck is essential to getting you back in the field quickly. The C850 conveyance system allows you to keep the low profile hopper in one spot while loading all four tanks. After watching this video, you will be able to: Effectively ... More
USDA Boots to Business PSA

USDA Boots to Business PSA

At USDA we’re helping those who want to establish or grow a small business in rural America. Through our Rural Development programs, we offer support and resources to help entrepreneurs acquire funding, facilities, land, and equipment.... More
Planning for Corn Disease Management 2018

Planning for Corn Disease Management 2018

Dr. Kiersten Wise presents a guide for Planning for Corn Disease Management 2018... More
The Angus Report, December 11, 2017: Reflecting on the Past

The Angus Report, December 11, 2017: Reflecting on the Past

Large-animal veterinarian Dr. Dennis Huck owned and operated his own practice for more than 40 years. The Kansan takes viewers on a journey that illustrates just how far the cattle industry has come.... More
Control Weed Pressure With The LibertyLink System

Control Weed Pressure With The LibertyLink System

With the LibertyLink system, cotton growers can achieve season-long weed control. Spray early and use the S.T.O.P program to keep resistant weeds from popping up in your fields.... More

Ag Outlook Focuses On Soybean Yields And Profitability

Ag Outlook Focuses On Soybean Yields And Profitability

This year's South Dakota Soybean Association Ag Outlook Meeting in Sioux Falls focused on helping farmers increase yield and profitability in a tough price environment.... More
Iron Talk - Farm Batteries

Iron Talk - Farm Batteries

In this Iron Talk segment, Darren Hefty talks about the importance of selecting and maintaining your batteries for heavy duty farm use.... More
Crop Insurance Risk Management

Crop Insurance Risk Management

How can you assess your risk of crop hail damage? What do you need to know when considering hail insurance coverage levels, policies, and endorsements?... More
Weed of The Week - Common Cocklebur

Weed of The Week - Common Cocklebur

Learn how to get cocklebur under control on your farm in this week's "Weed of the Week" segment.... More
Ag Minute - Salt And Plants

Ag Minute - Salt And Plants

Darren Hefty talks about how salt is OK in moderation for both food and plants.... More
Meet Our Farmers: Roger Pelissero

Meet Our Farmers: Roger Pelissero

Meet Roger Pelissero, Chairman of Egg Farmers of Canada.... More
 Write Your Own Story - Faith Matchett at Advancing Women Conference 2017

Write Your Own Story - Faith Matchett at Advancing Women Conference 2017

Faith Matchett of Farm Credit Canada explains how there is great power and energy in writing our own story. Lead up to Advancing Women West 2018, in Calgary on March 26 & 27.... More
 The Crop Tour - Field of Dreams 2017

The Crop Tour - Field of Dreams 2017

What Is The Field Of Dreams - Every year, we set aside 160 acres for both wheat and canola large scale trials. With the most up-to-date agronomic information, we strive to maximize yields to gain new and useful knowledge for you, the farmer. Demonstrations of these fields are done on large scale... More
Veterinary Feed Directive, One Year Later

Veterinary Feed Directive, One Year Later

Extension veterinarian Dr. Barry Whitworth has an update on the Veterinary Feed Directive, one year after implementation.... More
Planned Breeding Schedules Pay Dividends For Beef Producers

Planned Breeding Schedules Pay Dividends For Beef Producers

Dr. Monte Rouquette, Texas A&M AgriLife Research forage physiologist, Overton, discusses when and under what conditions bulls should be placed with cows for breeding.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk says cattle producers should start arranging for colostrum ahead of the spring calving season.... More
Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update... More
Alternative Follow Up Applications for Dicamba

Alternative Follow Up Applications for Dicamba

Dr. Larry Steckel discusses research that shows there are effective alternatives to dicamba for follow-up applications in Xtend crops.... More
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