Deb Stark at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.
May 28, 2018

Video: Deb Stark at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.

Deb Stark - Former Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.


Deb Stark at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.

Deb Stark at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.

Deb Stark - Former Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the Arrell Food Summit, Toronto On.... More
Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Market Analysis – Elaine Kub, author of “Mastering the Grain Markets,” discusses corn, soybean and wheat markets. Elaine also talks about the uncertain trade discussions between China and the United States.... More
Managing Nitrogen In Corn

Managing Nitrogen In Corn

The Hefty brothers talk about the various factors involved when making in-season nitrogen applications in corn.... More
OVERVIEW - Oversized Farm Equipment on Roadways

OVERVIEW - Oversized Farm Equipment on Roadways

Traffic safety includes mitigating the risks associated with "Oversized Farm Equipment". County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Hopkins and Muhlenberg County took to the road to address some the major issues related to transporting oversize farm equipment.... More
Preventing Disease Resistance

Preventing Disease Resistance

When fighting disease in crop, it is important to manage your program properly to avoid creating resistance to fungicides. ... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin by Marketing Commodity

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin by Marketing Commodity

Big Oil comes under fire over blending waivers again, and Louisiana businesses help shore up the Gulf Coast. These stories and market analysis with Sue Martin.... More
 Near-record dry conditions in Saskatchewan plaguing farmers

Near-record dry conditions in Saskatchewan plaguing farmers

Despite a wet March, the bulk of Saskatchewan has seen extremely dry conditions for over a year and the province is prone to prolonged cycles of weather.... More

Mental health in agriculture

Mental health in agriculture

Megz Reynolds, a producer from Saskatchewan, discusses the struggles with mental health as a farmer.... More
Big Farm Machines Making Haylage for Dairy Cows

Big Farm Machines Making Haylage for Dairy Cows

Go out in a Western New York alfalfa field with Big Tractor Power to see and hear big farm machines chopping haulage for dairy cow feed.... More
Can Seaweed Cut Methane Emissions on Dairy Farms?

Can Seaweed Cut Methane Emissions on Dairy Farms?

Seaweed may be the super food dairy cattle need to reduce the amount of methane they burp into the atmosphere. Early results from research at the University of California, Davis, indicate that just a touch of the ocean algae in cattle feed could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from Cal... More
Parasite control: When and What Matters

Parasite control: When and What Matters

Harold Newcomb, technical veterinarian for Merck Animal Health, talks about giving your deworming plan some critical thought. The what, where and when matter.... More
Roberta Bondar at the Arrell Food Summit, Guelph ON

Roberta Bondar at the Arrell Food Summit, Guelph ON

Discusses how climate change is affecting agriculture... More
Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program

Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program

Recognizing that Canadians are eating more chicken than ever before and continue to look for new, innovative products to meet their needs, Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) launched the Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program to accelerate consumer-facing product innovation and stimulate gr... More
Selecting the Right Salt and Mineral

Selecting the Right Salt and Mineral

Barry Yaremcio, Beef and Forage Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry talks about the selecting the right ratio of salt and mineral at the 2017 Cattlemen’s event hosted by Clearwater County’s Agriculture and Community Services.... More
Seeding 2018

Seeding 2018

Planting Hard Red Spring Wheat and Canola in Northern Alberta... More


Throughout this spring we apply various applications to our wheat to help increase the yield. Applications such as top dressing for applying nitrogen or applying fungicides to protect the wheat from disease help our wheat yield increase!... More
Iron Talk - Time Of Day For Spraying

Iron Talk - Time Of Day For Spraying

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of avoiding spraying when there is moisture or dew in your crop.... More
Farm Basics - Sweep Nets

Farm Basics - Sweep Nets

In this week's Farm Basics segment, Brian and Darren explain why farmers use sweep nets in their crops.... More
Vaccination Protects Broilers from IBV Despite Exposure to Moderate Ammonia Levels

Vaccination Protects Broilers from IBV Despite Exposure to Moderate Ammonia Levels

Properly vaccinated commercial broilers are protected from an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) challenge despite exposure to moderate ammonia levels, according to a study that surprised researchers.... More
Weed of the Week - Volunteer Corn

Weed of the Week - Volunteer Corn

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about the importance and methods of controlling volunteer corn on your farm.... More
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