Cattle & Hogs Market Analysis - Lee Schulz
Apr 02, 2018

Video: Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Market Analysis – Lee Schulz, Iowa State Extension livestock economist, provides an overview of the latest USDA Cattle on Feed report and reviews the pre-estimates for the quarterly USDA Hogs and Pigs report.


Cattle & Hogs Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Cattle & Hogs Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Market Analysis – Lee Schulz, Iowa State Extension livestock economist, provides an overview of the latest USDA Cattle on Feed report and reviews the pre-estimates for the quarterly USDA Hogs and Pigs report.... More
2018 provincial budget highlights for ag and rural

2018 provincial budget highlights for ag and rural

The 2018 Ontario provincial budget was met with criticism and speculation on how voters will react to spending that offers something for nearly every Ontarian. It also yields several years of provincial deficits required to deliver on these spending promises.... More
 The life of an agriculture pilot

The life of an agriculture pilot

What does it take to be an agriculture pilot? At a course in Yorkton - one of two in Canada - you can learn to fly the dipping and diving spray planes.... More
 Drones on the farm

Drones on the farm

Saskatchewan producer showing how to use drones on his farm.... More
Agriculture In The Classroom

Agriculture In The Classroom

Manitoba Ag Days is proud to support organizations like Ag In The Classroom at Manitoba Ag Days 2018.... More
Grain Safety Demonstration

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Meet Liz Ellis Clark and learn about the BeGrainSafe initiative at Manitoba Ag Days 2018.... More
Iron Talk - Tractor Tires

Iron Talk - Tractor Tires

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about what all the numbers on the side of your tractor tires mean, and the importance of knowing those numbers when choosing tires for your tractors.... More

Fast Growth Syndrome in Corn

Fast Growth Syndrome in Corn

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about fast growth syndrome in corn, how to identify it, and options to manage it on your farm.... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Oats

Weed of the Week - Wild Oats

This week's Weed of the Week is wild oats. The Hefty Brothers talk about how you can stop this tough weed on your farm.... More
China Buying Commodities

China Buying Commodities

New data just released, shows China continues to purchase more U.S. farm commodities.... More
 Despite weather worries, farmers share the harvest for 15th year

Despite weather worries, farmers share the harvest for 15th year

Farmers in the Edmonton region gathered in a field east of Gibbons, Alberta to harvest a canola crop to donate the proceeds to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.... More
 Farm & Ranch Reports

Farm & Ranch Reports

Labour Minister Christina Gray and Agriculture and Forestry Minister Oneil Carlier talk about the technical working group reports on how occupational health and safety rules may apply to farms and ranches, at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton... More
 Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - Types of Harrows (Part 3 of 3)

Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - Types of Harrows (Part 3 of 3)

In a three part series, Rachel Gingell talk with Jim Vanagas from McFarlane Mfg. about the history, uses and types of harrows.... More
 Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - Uses for Harrows (Part 2 of 3)

Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - Uses for Harrows (Part 2 of 3)

In a three part series, Rachel Gingell talk with Jim Vanagas from McFarlane Mfg. about the history, uses and types of harrows.... More
 Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - History of Harrows (Part 1 of 3)

Spotlight on McFarlane Mfg. - History of Harrows (Part 1 of 3)

In a three part series, Rachel Gingell talk with Jim Vanagas from McFarlane Mfg. about the history, uses and types of harrows.... More
 Livestock Marketing - Drought Condition Impacts

Livestock Marketing - Drought Condition Impacts

Derrell Peel talks about how drought conditions are impacting cattle markets across the Western parts of the United States.... More
Vet Scripts - Helping Orphaned Sheep

Vet Scripts - Helping Orphaned Sheep

Dr. Barry Whitworth explains the importance of using the correct newborn replacer for the livestock species.... More
Corn and Soybean Acreage in 2018

Corn and Soybean Acreage in 2018

Analysis of potential corn and soybean acreage in 2018. Discussion of the prospective plantings report.... More
Drones Help Researchers Monitor Dryland Wheat in Rainless Winter

Drones Help Researchers Monitor Dryland Wheat in Rainless Winter

The Texas A&M AgriLife Research dryland wheat variety nursery near Bushland has been monitored weekly by drone flights, offering wheat breeders a chance to see changes on a more real-time basis.... More
Market Monitor - $5 Wheat Roller Coaster

Market Monitor - $5 Wheat Roller Coaster

Kim Anderson says $5 wheat came and went, but it should be back.... More
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