Against the Grain
Mar 15, 2018
For 28 years, Shelley and Tony Spruit have grown wheat, soybeans and corn mainly for animal feed and ethanol making their Winchester-area farm typical of those in Eastern Ontario. Two years ago, they decided to start going against the grain. Theyre now growing some astounding and colourful things: glossy dark purple corn that dates back centuries in Peru; graceful hull-less barley developed in Canada; stunning Ethiopian purple barley; beautiful blue Utrecht wheat; mammoth Russian sunflowers with golden heads as big as beachballs.

  Against the Grain

Against the Grain

For 28 years, Shelley and Tony Spruit have grown wheat, soybeans and corn mainly for animal feed and ethanol making their Winchester-area farm typical of those in Eastern Ontario. Two years ago, they decided to start going against the grain. Theyre now growing some astounding and colourful thi... More
 Lakeland College Research - field days

Lakeland College Research - field days

Lakeland College's Crop Scientist Laurel Perrott and her Lakeland College team conducted a tour for local crop producers showcasing “all things cereal” at the small-plot research site south west of Vermilion. Over 1000 plots were on display, showcasing over 40 new varieties of wheat, 15 new b... More
 Intelligent AG Wireless Blockage and Flow Monitoring Grain Drills, Air Drills and Strip Till

Intelligent AG Wireless Blockage and Flow Monitoring Grain Drills, Air Drills and Strip Till

Intelligent AG Wireless Blockage and Flow Monitoring Grain Drills, Air Drills and Strip Till... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Buckwheat

Weed of the Week - Wild Buckwheat

This week's Weed of the Week is wild buckwheat. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to identify and control this tough weed on your farm.... More
Farm Basics - Ground Sterilants

Farm Basics - Ground Sterilants

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about some of the benefits of, and what to be cautious of, when using ground sterilants.... More
Using HPPD Products

Using HPPD Products

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about some of the best HPPD products to use, and how to properly use this chemistry on your farm.... More
Iron Talk - Temitry and Manticor

Iron Talk - Temitry and Manticor

On this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about two newer products, Manticor and Temitry, that will mix well in your tank with liquid fertilizer.... More

Ag Minute - Planter Row Cleaners

Ag Minute - Planter Row Cleaners

Darren Hefty talks about how using row cleaners on your planter can help move residue from last year's crop out of the way.... More
Farm Renewal in Canada

Farm Renewal in Canada

Food Secure Canada teamed up with filmmaker Jocelyne Clark to produce a short video on how Canada can better support new farmers and farm renewal to ensure a strong and sustainable food system for generations to come... More


UofA Professor Stephen Strelkov talks about his research into diseases attacking canola crops in central Alberta.... More
  JJ Broch Garlic Top Lifter and Cutter

JJ Broch Garlic Top Lifter and Cutter

JJ Broch Garlic Harvester - Top Lift and Top Cutter... More
 Weed identification of Waterhemp and Redroot Pigweed

Weed identification of Waterhemp and Redroot Pigweed

Weed identification is essential to the success of your weed management strategy. View this informational video designed to assist growers with identifying differences between Waterhemp and Redroot Pigweed to give growers a healthy start to their crop.... More
Baling High Quality Hay with John Deere Equipment

Baling High Quality Hay with John Deere Equipment

We visit Black Rock Farms in Kentucky to see how equipment from John Deere helps them put up the best hay for their cattle.... More
$1.20 Cattle and $25 Tenderloin

$1.20 Cattle and $25 Tenderloin

Mark McCully, Vice President of Production, Certified Angus Beef LLC, explains the cost difference between $1.20 cattle and $25 tenderloins.... More
Who Wins in Pigs v. People? North Carolina Case Nears Trial

Who Wins in Pigs v. People? North Carolina Case Nears Trial

In June of 1995, a major storm in North Carolina softened a dike surrounding one of the larger hog manure...... More
SD Soybean Farmers See Checkoff Role in International Markets

SD Soybean Farmers See Checkoff Role in International Markets

South Dakota farmers got to see the key role the soybean checkoff plays in developing international markets for their product on the See for Yourself Tour to Mexico. Michelle Rook talks to participants to get their take home from the mission.... More
Tillage, No Till, Vertical Tillage in Wheat

Tillage, No Till, Vertical Tillage in Wheat

Dr. John Grove at the Wheat Field School compares research plots of wheat in conventional tillage, no-till, and vertical tillage using data from a chlorophyll meter and tissue sample. Sponsored by the Ky Small Grain Growers.... More
Farm Factor - Soybean Update March 13, 2018

Farm Factor - Soybean Update March 13, 2018

Farm Factor - Soybean Update March 13, 2018... More
Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Wisconsin, 2018 Update

Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Wisconsin, 2018 Update

Rodrigo Werle, UW Extension Cropping Systems Weed Scientist, provides an updated on the distribution of herbicide-resistant weeds in Wisconsin.... More
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