1961 International 4300 4WD Tractor
Jul 06, 2017
Albert Jensen and his fully restored 1961 International 4300 four wheel drive tractor. The tractor essentially was 'ahead of its time' as there were no 300 horsepower 4 wheel drives around. Only about 300 units were ever built and sold as farmers in the early 60's just weren't ready for that kind of horsepower on most farms. At the time of our visit. Jensen said he was only aware of 3 such units in Canada.

 1961 International 4300 4WD Tractor

1961 International 4300 4WD Tractor

Albert Jensen and his fully restored 1961 International 4300 four wheel drive tractor. The tractor essentially was 'ahead of its time' as there were no 300 horsepower 4 wheel drives around. Only about 300 units were ever built and sold as farmers in the early 60's just weren't ready for that kin... More
Visit To A Restored 1913 Grain Elevator

Visit To A Restored 1913 Grain Elevator

The Sukanen Museum near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and the restoration of a 1913 wooden prairie grain elevator. According to organizer, Doug Carrick they had to move the elevator about 100 miles from its original location at Mawer, Saskatchewan. They then got the elevator functioning as like it use... More
Ag Minute - Beneficial Insects

Ag Minute - Beneficial Insects

Darren Hefty talks about the many different beneficial insects that can be found in house or field.... More
Weed Of The Week - Russian Thistle

Weed Of The Week - Russian Thistle

This week's Weed of the Week is Russian thistle. Brian and Darren Hefty go over the options for controlling Russian thistle on your farm.... More
Farm Basics - Corn Reproductive Stages

Farm Basics - Corn Reproductive Stages

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the corn reproductive stage... More
Stop Sequential Applications of Dicamba in Cotton

Stop Sequential Applications of Dicamba in Cotton

"There's really no reason we need to be spraying dicamba in our cotton crop at this point." - Dr. Larry Steckel, UT Extension... More

We're thick with ticks!

SUNUP talks ticks with Dr. Susan Little, of Oklahoma State University’s Center for Veterinary Health Sciences.... More

John Deere S780 Combine

John Deere S780 Combine

John Deere amazing new combines.... More
Agriculture In High River – Rooted In People

Agriculture In High River – Rooted In People

High River is Alberta’s headquarters for agri-business and is surrounded by some of the most diverse and productive agricultural land in the world, positioning High River as a key producer in the supply chain for Calgary and the surrounding area.... More
Crop Update

Crop Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds crop update for June 30th including glyphosate timing in tolerant corn and soybean crops... More
Breakfast on the Farm - September 16 2017, Listowel ON

Breakfast on the Farm - September 16 2017, Listowel ON

Breakfast on the Farm - September 16 2017, Listowel ON (full)... More
Wheat Coming On

Wheat Coming On

Idaho wheat is now just two weeks from the first harvest, just as market prices start to rise.... More
Identifying Palmer Amaranth And Waterhemp In Wisconsin Using Vegetative Characteristics

Identifying Palmer Amaranth And Waterhemp In Wisconsin Using Vegetative Characteristics

Learn how to identify problematic pigweeds like Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth in Wisconsin with UW-Extension Weed Specialist Mark Renz.... More
Cover Crop Interseeding: No-till Drill Modification

Cover Crop Interseeding: No-till Drill Modification

Daniel H. Smith discusses modifying a no-till drill to interseed cover crops. Smith is a regional agronomist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Nutrient and Pest Management Program.... More
Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Cotton

Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Cotton

"There's really no reason we need to be spraying dicamba in our cotton crop at this point."... More
High/Low Input Farming

High/Low Input Farming

Dr. Ronnie Schnell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist, discussed with Stiles Farm Field Day attendees the possibilities of using low or high crop input methods.... More
AgriLife Research In Amarillo Taking To The Skies With Drones

AgriLife Research In Amarillo Taking To The Skies With Drones

The maiden voyage of the first unmanned aerial system or drone by Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Amarillo was flown over wheat plots before their harvest in the final week of June.... More
Angus VNR: Cattle the Feeders Want

Angus VNR: Cattle the Feeders Want

With the volatility in the markets, cattle feeders increasingly want low-risk cattle. Billy Hall with Chappell Feedlot, tells us what cattle have to do to be successful in the finishing phase. Visit cabpartners.com to learn more.... More
Herd Bull Selection

Herd Bull Selection

Dr. Ron Gill, AgriLife Extension livestock specialist in College Station, discussed herd bull selection for cattle producers at the 54th Stiles Farm Field Day.... More
Baxter Black: The Flag

Baxter Black: The Flag

Baxter Black salutes America and finds the meaning of our Grand Ole Flag.... More
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