Issues of Agriculture
Oct 17, 2017
Ag industry leaders discuss industry issues  at a forum for community leaders in Caldwell, Idaho.


Issues of Agriculture

Issues of Agriculture

Ag industry leaders discuss industry issues at a forum for community leaders in Caldwell, Idaho.... More
Land Use Research - Jim MacDonald

Land Use Research - Jim MacDonald

Jim MacDonald, Nebraska beef cattle nutritionist, explains how a $1 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research will help a UNL team study land use efficiency for both crop and livestock production.... More
Farmer Derek

Farmer Derek's Taylor Swift Farming Parody

Farmer Derek’s newest music video is a parody of Taylor Swift’s hit song “Look What You Made Me Do”. The parody video shows Farmer Derek devoted to his cell phone and the trouble it gets him into on the farm.... More
Livestock Gentec - One Genome One Health Conference

Livestock Gentec - One Genome One Health Conference

Livestock Gentec - One Genome One Health Conference... More
 EU Trade Mission

EU Trade Mission

Oneil Carlier, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, shares his thoughts following a successful EU Trade Mission.... More
 Wheat Harvest - Manitoba Canada

Wheat Harvest - Manitoba Canada

Claas lexion 780's combining wheat by Roblin, Manitoba.... More
 Tough Canola And Dryer Troubles...

Tough Canola And Dryer Troubles...

Trying to get the last of the canola dried and done with... doesnt go as planned always!!... More

IPTV M2M, Analyst Angie Setzer

IPTV M2M, Analyst Angie Setzer

Market analyst Angie Setzer discuss the commodity markets with host Mike Pearson in a special web-only feature.... More
Fall Weed Control

Fall Weed Control

Chris Proctor, Nebraska Extension weed management educator, discusses the importance of fall weed control, especially for marestail.... More
Dicamba in 2018 - Jeff Gunsolus

Dicamba in 2018 - Jeff Gunsolus

Jeff Gunsolus, University of Minnesota Extension weed scientist, discusses options for managing herbicide-resistant weeds in 2018, including using products with dicamba.... More
Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Doug Simon, Tredas, reviews the USDA’s October Crop Report. Doug explains how farmers can use the market’s carry to manage crop sales.... More
 Peter Eggers - World Wide Agriculture Conference 2017

Peter Eggers - World Wide Agriculture Conference 2017

GMO vs Conventional farming: Peter grew up on a farm in Northern Germany, within 1km of the North Sea. After studying agriculture, he immigrated in 1980 to Alberta, Canada and started farming there two years later.... More
Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Update on harvest progress in SE Manitoba.... More
Battling BRD with Once PMH IN

Battling BRD with Once PMH IN

How Merck Once PMH IN helps one stocker operation in Florida keeps its animals healthy.... More
NCBA Supports Creation of Foot and Mouth Vaccine Bank

NCBA Supports Creation of Foot and Mouth Vaccine Bank

A coalition of more than 100 agricultural organizations - including the National Cattlemen's Beef Association - has joined together to urge Congress to include language in the next Farm Bill establishing and funding a Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine bank.... More
Farmers Losing Crops due to Worker Shortage

Farmers Losing Crops due to Worker Shortage

Without access to an adequate and stable workforce for harvest, farmers like Burr and Rosella Mosby are being forced to leave fresh produce to rot in the fields. The Mosbys say the current guest worker visa program is long overdue for reforms that would create flexibility for workers looking to ... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains the benefits of limit-grazing cattle on wheat pasture and preparing for grass tetany in older cows.... More
Iron Talk - Fertilizer Efficiency

Iron Talk - Fertilizer Efficiency

On this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about how to efficiently use fertilizer on your farm.... More
Ag Minute - Winter Annuals

Ag Minute - Winter Annuals

Darren Hefty talks about winter annuals and how to control them in your yard and on your farm.... More
Potassium And Base Saturation

Potassium And Base Saturation

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the importance of potassium and understanding base saturation in the soils on your farm.... More
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