Paving the Way to Prime
Sep 27, 2017

Lex Bush, of Bush and Sons Land and Cattle in Dighton, Kansas, explains why his target is set on raising Certified Angus Beef Prime cattle. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.


Paving the Way to Prime

Paving the Way to Prime

Lex Bush, of Bush and Sons Land and Cattle in Dighton, Kansas, explains why his target is set on raising Certified Angus Beef Prime cattle. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
The Angus Report: Standing Together

The Angus Report: Standing Together

Rural America is still standing together after Hurricane Harvey destroyed the south. Among the destruction, farmers and ranchers begin picking up the pieces and working to rebuild.... More
Farmers And Lawmakers Monitor NAFTA Renegotiation

Farmers And Lawmakers Monitor NAFTA Renegotiation

The U.S. is currently renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.... More
Will Sorghum Reach Maturity Before Freeze

Will Sorghum Reach Maturity Before Freeze

K-State agronomist, Ignacio Ciampitti, explains three things that will determine if this years sorghum crop will survive an early freeze.... More
Celebrate Ag Month! #OurFoodHasAStory

Celebrate Ag Month! #OurFoodHasAStory

October is Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan and help celebrate the dedicated men, women and families who grow our food!... More
 Rise Of The Elevator

Rise Of The Elevator

One of G3's new primary elevators is another step closer to completion.... More
 Meyer Farms Canada - Harvest 2017

Meyer Farms Canada - Harvest 2017

Harvest 2017 - Rolling Hills Alberta, Canada 2017... More

Pigs on Pasture: Moving Our American Guinea Hogs

Pigs on Pasture: Moving Our American Guinea Hogs

A few days ago I began retraining our pigs to electric fence so that I can get them into a rotational grazing system on pasture. The pigs seem to respect the Premier One Pig Quick Fence powered by the Intellishock 120 solar energizer.... More
 Introducing the ZR5 Self-Propelled Baler from Vermeer

Introducing the ZR5 Self-Propelled Baler from Vermeer

Big-time operators need a big-time machine to do big-time things. This first of its kind – the ZR5 self-propelled baler makes quick work of any field while offering an unprecedented level of operator comfort and maneuverability. Automating the baling process, the ZR5 aims to reduce the number o... More
 The 2018 3E Series Tractor - The "Perfect" Tractor

The 2018 3E Series Tractor - The "Perfect" Tractor

The new John Deere 3E Series Tractor is perfect.... More
Episode 3: Using the tools to make precision ag work.

Episode 3: Using the tools to make precision ag work.

Joe VanQuaethem and William VanLaarhoven discuss the easy of use and accuracy of the various mapping tools, pin, prescription rates, virtual seed check and zone management features to build a successful precision ag plan.... More
Volunteer Canola needs to be managed in Soybeans

Volunteer Canola needs to be managed in Soybeans

Allison Friesen, Technical Service Specialist at BASF Canada, tells about the risk and benefits of growing soybeans in Western Canada.... More
Weeds Take Moisture And Nutrients Too

Weeds Take Moisture And Nutrients Too

Misha Manuchehri says winter crop producers should start planning a strategy to manage weeds.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says the U.S. is not as competitive in the world wheat markets as once was.... More
Irrigation Management - Steve Melvin

Irrigation Management - Steve Melvin

Steve Melvin, Nebraska Extension educator, outlines steps to check irrigation system efficiency.... More
Hail Damage Research - Justin McMechan

Hail Damage Research - Justin McMechan

Justin McMechan, Nebraska Extension cropping systems specialist, describes his research looking at plant survival after hail damage... More
 Western Canadian Classic Premier Dairy Show

Western Canadian Classic Premier Dairy Show

The Western Canadian Classic Premier Dairy Show in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Over 100 western Canadian youth, between the ages of 12-21, take part in a program filled with many fun activities throughout the week as well as clipping, a dairy science quiz, judging, stall, showmanship and conformatio... More
 Community Pasture Roundup

Community Pasture Roundup

Rounding up the cows on the community pasture.... More
 LaRosh Farms 2017 Wheat Harvest

LaRosh Farms 2017 Wheat Harvest

This LaRosh Harvest video gives you a glimpse of an American wheat harvest like never before.The combines are Case IH 8230 with Macdon draper headers. Tractor is John Deere 8420 pulling a grain cart.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

Citrus farmers feel the squeeze of hurricane damage. Conflicting views on wildfire management. And how new pork processing plants could impact Midwest producers. Market analysis with Dan Hueber.... More
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