Baxter Black: Bentley the Born-Again Bull
Jun 30, 2017

Baxter shares the tale of a special delivery.


Baxter Black: Bentley the Born-Again Bull

Baxter Black: Bentley the Born-Again Bull

Baxter shares the tale of a special delivery.... More
How do you handle bulls?

How do you handle bulls?

Stockmanship expert Curt Pate shares some keys about the best way to safely handle bulls.... More
Phosphorus Efficiency And Seed Treatment Results On Wheat In Canada

Phosphorus Efficiency And Seed Treatment Results On Wheat In Canada

Philip Northover, Ph.D., Certified Crop Advisor and Technical Services Manager for Verdesian Life Sciences, takes a look at 2017 hard red spring wheat growing in Langham, Saskatchewan, Canada.... More
Harvest Management In Canola

Harvest Management In Canola

As more canola growers in Western Canada look to increase efficiency on their farm, straight cutting canola is becoming an increasingly popular subject. Straight cutting canola has many benefits at harvest. These include faster field operations that can result in reduced time and labour costs, t... More
What Is In A Beef Feedlot?

What Is In A Beef Feedlot?

For this week's tour, we head back to Southern Alberta to find out what a feedlot or feedyard is when talking beef. Megan Kolk is going to give of the tour of her families beef farm that can hold as many as 10 000 beef animals, and employs several people from the community.... More
New Sub-Compact Tractor BX

New Sub-Compact Tractor BX

All the BX Series Tractors are powered by rugged, perfectly built Kubota Diesel engines, exclusively engineered for the BX Series.... More
Livestock Marketing: A Long History

Livestock Marketing: A Long History

Livestock marketing is one link in the food chain that brings food from our backyards to tables around the world.... More

Maizex Moving: What is the right Nitrogen Rate for your Corn?

Maizex Moving: What is the right Nitrogen Rate for your Corn?

Maizex Agronomy Lead, Greg Stewart discusses whether or not calculators are on target for nitrogen recommendations. He takes a look at numbers generated from the Maizex Nitrogen Tracker, as well as the new Quebec tracker, SCAN from Effigis.... More
AGam in Kansas - Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti With Update on Corn in Kansas

AGam in Kansas - Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti With Update on Corn in Kansas

Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti With Update on Corn in Kansas... More
Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Soybean

Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Soybean

Recent research has found that a follow-up application of a PPO herbicide in Xtend soybeans may be more effective than a follow-up application of dicamba. Dr. Larry Steckel with UT Institute of Agriculture explains.... More
Staying On Label With Soybean Herbicides

Staying On Label With Soybean Herbicides

The Hefty brothers talk about the limitations and timing of spraying various soybean herbicides.... More
Ag Minute - Crop Row Spacing

Ag Minute - Crop Row Spacing

Darren Hefty talks about why crops have various row spacings.... More
Working Cattle Effectively

Working Cattle Effectively

Dr. Ron Gill shares tips on working a cattle through an alley, sweep tub and chute.... More
Beef Quality Assurance Program

Beef Quality Assurance Program

What is the value of BQA? We asked producers.... More
How Do You Handle Bulls?

How Do You Handle Bulls?

Stockmanship expert Curt Pate shares some keys about the best way to safely handle bulls.... More
Grass Hay Production - Daren Redfearn

Grass Hay Production - Daren Redfearn

Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension forage and crop residue specialist, talks about grass hay production and describes the optimal time for harvesting.... More
 Manitoba Spring 2017 Seeding

Manitoba Spring 2017 Seeding

High speed planter. John Deere. Pottinger planter.... More
Sowing The Seeds Of Mental Wellness

Sowing The Seeds Of Mental Wellness

A tweet to Saskatchewan's farming community sprouts a conversation on mental wellness and suicide.... More
Weed of the Week - Milkweed

Weed of the Week - Milkweed

Milkweed is great for butterflies, not for crops. It's our Weed of the Week.... More
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