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Market Analysis - Doug Simon
May 15, 2017
Doug Simon, Tredas, recaps the USDA's May Crop Report. Doug also talks about exports, ethanol and selling strategies for corn and soybeans.
Market Analysis - Doug Simon
Doug Simon, Tredas, recaps the USDA's May Crop Report. Doug also talks about exports, ethanol and selling strategies for corn and soybeans....
Cows Return to Pasture - Spring 2017
Mid May 2017 the cows returned to pasture. From this time until the Fall they can choose to spend time in the pasture or hang out in the Main Barn....
Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 45: Marketing
Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario....
Why Canada Is Becoming The Pantry Of The World (Think: Peas)
People used to call Canada the world's breadbasket, but we should probably be known as the world's pantry. Canada is the largest exporter of dried peas in the world, producing over three million tons of pulses, from red lentils to chickpeas to navy beans....
Busy Day In The Yard Shipping Seed
Aerial view of main seed yard....
Spring 2017
This is a video of how we do seeding, spraying, and rolling on our farm here in Saskatchewan....
Setting up a Cow to Deliver a Healthy, Vigorous Calf
A panel of experts representing Alltech discuss the latest strategies and newest technologies for a profitable cow/calf immunity program....
Getting Calves Ready for the Feedyard
The panel of experts from Alltech talk about the role Bio-Mos plays in getting calves ready for the feedyard....
Improving Your Cattle Handling Methods
Russell Nemetz interviews Dr. Ron Gill about ways to improve your cattle handling and the impact it can have on your bottom line....
Tax Reform
While lower tax rates will go a long way in helping farmers and ranchers, those involved in agriculture are anxious about the future of other important tax provisions....
How Will Tax Reform Impact Farm Families?
Both Congress and the Administration are working on a massive tax reform plan that would simplify the tax code and lower rates for corporations and individuals. How will this impact farmers and their families? Michelle Rook has the details....
Weed Of The Week - Bromegrass
This week's Weed of the Week is Bromegrass. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to identify and control it on your farm....
Iron Talk - Spray Nozzles Management Tips
Darren Hefty talks about choosing the rights spray nozzles for your sprayer and crop and the importance of maintaining them throughout the season....
Farm Basics - Grain Bin Prep And Safety
During this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about preparing your grain bins for the upcoming season....
Canada Peas Outlook 2016-2017
Canadian Peas Outlook at 2017 China International Conference on Peas, Flaxseed and Sesame in Qingdao, China...
4-H Canada - Canada 150
The 150th anniversary of Confederation is an incredible opportunity for Canadians to come together, celebrate, share experiences and build stronger communities. It is also on opportunity for Canadians to invest in our shared future, by partaking in activities and opportunities that promote inclu...
White Planter 9800VE Walk Around
The White Planters 9800VE with SpeedTube ensures accurate seed placement at high speeds....
Lentils From Riceton - We Are The Best
Saskatchewan is the country’s largest producer of lentils. Ricardo heads to the Prairie province to meet up with Lee Moats, a farmer whose family has been growing grain and legumes for generations. He shares his love of the land with us, and explains why Canada is the world’s number-one exporter...
Trade War: Interview with Bill Owens
There are escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned that Canada and the U.S. could suffer a “thickening” border after the Trump administration announced it would impose new tariffs, up to 24 percent, on softwood lumber entering the U.S. from Cana...
A new herbicide solution for over 200 broadleaf weeds in soybeans and cotton
Chad Asmus, Technical Marketing Manager at BASF tells us about Engenia herbicide a new solution for dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. It's the most flexible and advanced dicamba for dicamba-tolerant crops....
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