Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 41: Government Relations
Apr 24, 2017

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario.


Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 41: Government Relations

Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 41: Government Relations

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario. This weekly update will feature interviews with staff to highlight news and activities from the different departments within our organization.... More
IPTV Market To Market , Analyst Brian Roach

IPTV Market To Market , Analyst Brian Roach

The global economic outlook improves while domestic trade skirmishes simmer. Exploring a sour note in a sweet domestic industry. Market analysis with Brian Roach.... More
Starter Fertilizer - Charles Shapiro

Starter Fertilizer - Charles Shapiro

Charles Shapiro, Nebraska Extension soil scientist, talks about using starter fertilizer around corn or soybean planting.... More
Fungicide Applications - Loren Giesler

Fungicide Applications - Loren Giesler

Loren Giesler, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes collaborative research studying the profitability of fungicide applications to boost soybean yields.... More
Corn Stalk Lodging - Douglas Cook

Corn Stalk Lodging - Douglas Cook

Douglas Cook, NYU Abu Dhabi assistant professor of engineering, explains research investigating corn stalk lodging.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says Oklahoma has seen low wheat prices before followed by $9 per bushel, but will it happen this time?... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel analyzes the U.S./Chinese agricultural relationship.... More

Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Frayne Olson, North Dakota State Extension economist, gives an overview of U.S. winter wheat conditions. Frayne also discusses wheat prices and corn planting progress.... More
Lanz Bulldog 50hp Pull

Lanz Bulldog 50hp Pull

Broxburn's own 1958 Lanz model 50 dragging the sled as far as it can during the Broxburn One Cylinder Tractor Show in Lethbridge, Alberta.... More
 Matt Sawyer - Trade Is My Future

Matt Sawyer - Trade Is My Future

As the voice of Canadian agriculture and agri-food exporters, CAFTA is dedicated to supporting a more open and fair trading environment for agriculture and agri-food.... More
Healthy Soil For Healthy Plants And Environment: Agronomy Feeds The World

Healthy Soil For Healthy Plants And Environment: Agronomy Feeds The World

We all want a healthy, sustainable food supply. We don't want to harm the environment. Did you know that the health of the soil can impact the nutrition of plants, and keep the environment safer? Agronomists are specialists who work with growers to make decisions about soil, fertilizer, seed and... More
Iron Talk - Spray Boom Contamination

Iron Talk - Spray Boom Contamination

There are ways to avoid crop spray damage caused by leftover product in your spray boom. Darren Hefty talks about one solution in this week's "Iron Talk".... More
Farm Basics - Gibberellic Acid

Farm Basics - Gibberellic Acid

This week's Farm Basics segment deals with gibberellic acid, and how it helps promote growth in grasses and grass crops.... More
Weed Of The Week - Lambsquarters

Weed Of The Week - Lambsquarters

Find out some tips for controlling lambsquarters on your farm in this week's "Weed Of The Week" segment.... More
Evaluating Barley Yellow Dwarf Resistance In Oats

Evaluating Barley Yellow Dwarf Resistance In Oats

Fred Kolb heads up the small grains breeding program at the University of Illinois. He and his crew were out working on the south farms last week (Wednesday, April 18). They swing specialized tubes to deliver a little corn meal and an Aphid that carries Barley Yellow Dwarf disease. The aphid, sa... More
Farmers Highlight Sustainability On Earth Day

Farmers Highlight Sustainability On Earth Day

Every day is Earth Day for farmers! However, as we officially observe Earth Day on April 22, its a chance for farmers to highlight what they are doing to be more sustainable on their farms. Michelle Rook looks at the farming practices that are helping them preserve the environment for the next g... More
Tractor Power

Tractor Power

See all the great things that a John Deere tractor can do! Watch how these tractors help farmers, ranchers get the job done.... More
Time to Harvest

Time to Harvest

Watch these John Deere machines hard at work as they help farmers to harvest their crop.... More
Forage Harvesting: Krone Big X V12

Forage Harvesting: Krone Big X V12

2017 Forage Harvesting: Krone Big X V12... More

Canada's Ambassador To The U.S. 'Happy To Defend' Dairy Supply Management

Canada's ambassador to the U.S., David MacNaughton, says Canada's supply management system has worked well for our dairy farmers and that countries like the U.S. need to look at the degree to which they, and other countries, subsidize their agriculture industries.... More
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