Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new prodcuts for 2018
Mar 14, 2017

Jeff Hartz, Marketing Manager for Wyffels Hybrids tells us about thier 16 new products including 9 new genetic families and 4 new trait platforms for the 2018 growing season.


 Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new prodcuts for 2018

Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new prodcuts for 2018

Jeff Hartz, Marketing Manager for Wyffels Hybrids tells us about thier 16 new products including 9 new genetic families and 4 new trait platforms for the 2018 growing season.... More

Syngenta's ground breaking genetics by environmental interaction technology

Joseph Byrum, Global Head of Product Development for Oil Seeds at Syngenta discusses their industry changing machine learning and artificial intelligence modeling that will dramatically accelerate the product development of new genetics.... More
Encirca launches their new Yield and Weather Explorer tools

Encirca launches their new Yield and Weather Explorer tools

TC Huffman, Encirca Services Sales Lead at DuPont Pioneer tells us about all the new additions to the Encirca Services including Yield Explorer, Weather Explorer and their mobile nitrogen tool.... More
Case IH Steiger 682 Peak Horsepower Tractor

Case IH Steiger 682 Peak Horsepower Tractor

Mitch Kaiser, Steiger Marketing Manager at CASE IH tells us about the record breaker Steiger 620 Tractor giving you more drawbar horsepower, better fuel efficiency and maximum pull capacity.... More
 Dow AgroSciences Canada Farm Safety Video “Stop and Ask”

Dow AgroSciences Canada Farm Safety Video “Stop and Ask”

This year’s Canadian Ag Safety Week message is Appealing to Adults – helping to keep the adults on your farm safe as they work with equipment, grain and other potential dangers. Help keep the whole family safe by remembering to always Stop and Ask if you’re taking the appropriate safety consider... More
 Watch MP Alaina Lockhart talk About Canadian Ag Safety Week!

Watch MP Alaina Lockhart talk About Canadian Ag Safety Week!

Watch MP Alaina Lockhart talk about Canadian Ag Safety Week!... More
2016 America

2016 America's Pig Farmer of the Year

Brad Greenway, a pig farmer from Mitchell, South Dakota, is the recipient of the 2016 America’s Pig Farmer of the YearSM Award. The award is designed to recognize a pig farmer who excels at raising pigs using the We CareSM ethical principles and connects with today’s consumers about how pork is ... More

Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Outlook With Ward Weisensel - CTV Farmgate

Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Outlook With Ward Weisensel - CTV Farmgate

Ward Weisensel, Senior VP Trading, Procurement & Risk, G3 Canada Limited, Winnipeg MB, discusses movement, price and expected ending stocks for durum and malting barley for the rest of the current crop year and provides his forecasts for acreage, production and price (in terms of probabilities) ... More
2017 Pork Industry Distinguished Service Award - Rich Degner

2017 Pork Industry Distinguished Service Award - Rich Degner

The National Pork Board today honored Rich Degner as the recipient of its 2017 Distinguished Service Award during the National Pork Industry Forum in Atlanta. Degner is the former chief executive officer of the Iowa Pork Producers Association.... More
Dr. Bob Nordgren - Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Review

Dr. Bob Nordgren - Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Review

Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Review - Dr. Bob Nordgren, Aix Bio Consulting, from the 2017 Aptimmune Pre-AASV Symposium, February 25, 2017, Denver, CO, USA.... More
H. Stein : Supplemental fat not necessary when canola meal is fed to weanling pigs

H. Stein : Supplemental fat not necessary when canola meal is fed to weanling pigs

New research from the University of Illinois shows that adding supplemental dietary fat is not necessary to avoid reduced growth performance when replacing soybean meal with canola meal in diets fed to weanling pigs.... More
CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop Study

CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop Study

A group of Clemson students is determining how to use shredded leaves to help increase the value of roller-crimped cover crops. Roller-crimping involves attaching roller-crimpers to tractors, rolling over cover crops to flatten and damage them, leaving behind a thick mulch.... More
Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist, talks about pest management for corn growers using non Bt corn varieties this growing season.... More
SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

South Dakota soybean farmers set policy on areas such as the new farm bill, regulations and trade at this year's Commodity Classic.... More
Pests In Crops Update

Pests In Crops Update

Tom Royer shows producers insects to look for in wheat and canola fields.... More
Cow-Calf Corner: Selecting A Bull

Cow-Calf Corner: Selecting A Bull

Glenn Selk has advice for ensuring your bull is ready for breeding season.... More
Panhandle Wildfires Livestock Supply Points

Panhandle Wildfires Livestock Supply Points

Three Livestock Supply Points set up by AgriLife Extension have more than plenty of hay for everyone who might have been affected by the wildfires that ripped through the Texas Panhandle on March 6 and continued for days.... More
Cattle Market Analysis - Mike Briggs

Cattle Market Analysis - Mike Briggs

Mike Briggs, feedlot manager from Seward, Nebraska, discusses feedlot margins, beef demand going into summer and recent market price movement.... More
Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Jerry Volesky, Nebraska Extension range and forage specialist, gives an update on moisture conditions in central and western Nebraska. Jerry also previews the grazing season and explains when fertilizing pastures or hayland might be beneficial.... More
John Deere 1870 And C850 Part 1 Connect Tractor To The 1870

John Deere 1870 And C850 Part 1 Connect Tractor To The 1870

14 videos for set up and use of the 1870 Air Seeder and C850 Air... More
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