AFS AccuTurn: Hands Free End-Of-Row Turning
Feb 16, 2017

Automated hands-free end-of-row autoguidance feature that utilizes industry-leading path-planning logic to maximize productivity and efficiency in your operation.


AFS AccuTurn: Hands Free End-Of-Row Turning

AFS AccuTurn: Hands Free End-Of-Row Turning

Automated hands-free end-of-row autoguidance feature that utilizes industry-leading path-planning logic to maximize productivity and efficiency in your operation.... More
Variable Variety And Population Planting

Variable Variety And Population Planting

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the benefits of doing variable variety planting and variable population planting on your farm.... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Sunflower

Weed of the Week - Wild Sunflower

This week's Weed of the Week is wild sunflower. Brian and Darren Hefty provide tips on how to identify and control wild sunflower on your farm.... More
Farm Basics - Ag PhD Tiling Clinic

Farm Basics - Ag PhD Tiling Clinic

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the upcoming Ag PhD Tiling Clinic in Baltic, SD, and what you will learn while attending.... More
Iron Talk - Variable Rate Micronutrients

Iron Talk - Variable Rate Micronutrients

On this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about the different options for using variable rate micronutrients on your farm.... More
Ag Minute - Decaying Plant And Animal Waste

Ag Minute - Decaying Plant And Animal Waste

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of decaying plant and animal waste in your fields.... More
High Yield Wheat Tips

High Yield Wheat Tips

Brian and Darren Hefty share some of the tips they've received over the years from some of the highest yielding wheat farmers from across the country.... More

Video: AGCO Works with Ontario Farmers to Build Cellulosic Sugar Industry

Video: AGCO Works with Ontario Farmers to Build Cellulosic Sugar Industry

William Davenport, Marketing Manager of AGCO Corporation, says the company is working with the Cellulosic Sugar Producers Co-operative to build a sustainable corn stover harvesting program in Ontario. He was speaking at the Bioindustrial Innovation Canada's 2017 Bioproducts AgSci Cluster Worksho... More
Video: What is farming?

Video: What is farming?

Farming is Food. On February 16th, celebrate farming and celebrate Canadian food. #CdnAgDay.... More
Baxter Black: Fear of Flying

Baxter Black: Fear of Flying

Baxter shares a high flying tale of hunting from a plane.... More
Video: Harrington Seed Destructor

Video: Harrington Seed Destructor

Harrington Seed Destructor... More
Video: Technology Allows Farmers To Use Less Herbicide

Video: Technology Allows Farmers To Use Less Herbicide

Precision agriculture and new sprayer technology is helping farmers use less herbicide because they are placing only the correct amount where its needed in the field. Michelle Rook talks to agronomy experts to find out how this is helping farmers be more environmental.... More
Video: Market Monitor

Video: Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says we could see $5 wheat next year.... More
Video: Cow-Calf Corner: Stages Of Calving

Video: Cow-Calf Corner: Stages Of Calving

Glenn Selk walks us through the different stages of calving.... More
Swede Midge And Canola

Swede Midge And Canola

Swede midge is a tiny fly that has the potential to do serious harm to canola production in Canada. ... More
Marketing Challenges With Western Canada

Marketing Challenges With Western Canada's Soybeans

Marketing Challenges with Western Canada's Low Protein Soybeans ... More
U.S. Perspective: Grains And Oilseeds With Dr. Robert Johansson - CTV Farmgate

U.S. Perspective: Grains And Oilseeds With Dr. Robert Johansson - CTV Farmgate

Dr. Robert Johansson, Chief Economist, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Washington DC, provides the U.S. perspective on the grains and oilseeds outlook. He discusses various influences on U.S farmers' crop choices and acreage allocations and the importance of the USDA's provision ... More
Video:  Red Lentils Night Harvest

Video: Red Lentils Night Harvest

Red Lentils Night Harvest,Canada.... More
Video: Winter Wheat Harvest

Video: Winter Wheat Harvest

Winter wheat harvest at KF Kambeitz Farms,Canada.... More
Video:  Swede Midge And Canola

Video: Swede Midge And Canola

Swede midge is a tiny fly that has the potential to do serious harm to canola production in Canada.... More
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