Video: Crop Profiles: Fababean Production
Oct 25, 2016
Dr. Bert Vandenberg from the University of Saskatchewan, Crop Development Centre one of the world's top plant breeders as he displays various attributes of Fababeans.

Video: Crop Profiles: Fababean Production

Video: Crop Profiles: Fababean Production

Dr. Bert Vandenberg from the University of Saskatchewan, Crop Development Centre one of the world's top plant breeders as he displays various attributes of Fababeans.... More
Baxter Black: Balin

Baxter Black: Balin' Wheat

Another story from Baxter Black the Cowboy Poet.... More
Video:  Farm Day With The Schiffners

Video: Farm Day With The Schiffners

The boys had an amazing opportunity to head out to S bar S ranch in Strathmore Alberta to hang out with Scott Schiffner and his amazing ranching family for the day.They learned all about life on the ranch, They got to help sort cattle, They helped load up the calves on the trailer and even got t... More
Video:  Brad Michaleski Asks About The Importance Of Agri-Business In Manitoba

Video: Brad Michaleski Asks About The Importance Of Agri-Business In Manitoba

Dauphin MLA Brad Michaleski asks Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler about the importance of Agri-business in the Manitoba economy.... More
Video:  What

Video: What's Caught Your Eye About Straight Cut Canola?

Richardson's Kelburn Farm manager, Brian Hellegards, shares his thoughts on 2016 crop performance.... More
Video: Harvest 2016 Canada

Video: Harvest 2016 Canada

M & J Cornwell Farms Ltd,Saskatchewan,Canada.... More
Video: Planting Time is Stressful? Try Planting Six Crops Simultaneously! Jeremy Jack

Video: Planting Time is Stressful? Try Planting Six Crops Simultaneously! Jeremy Jack's Story

This Mississippi grower uses John Deere Operations Center to keep track of multiple planters and tractors, multiple locations, and multiple crops.... More

Video: How U.S Swine Expansion Impacts the Global Industry

Video: How U.S Swine Expansion Impacts the Global Industry

If exports are 20% of U.S swine production, and we've increased production by 1%, how much would we have to export due to the increase in supply?... More
Video: Tracking Forage Information Pays: Jeff Fields

Video: Tracking Forage Information Pays: Jeff Fields' Story

Capturing information on forages as they’re harvested is a real bonus for this University Animal Science Research Center, and the lessons learned can benefit individual farmers and ranchers, too.... More
Video: John Deere 8245R, John Deere 8300 and New Holland 8970 Harvesting Peanuts

Video: John Deere 8245R, John Deere 8300 and New Holland 8970 Harvesting Peanuts

Mark and Rusty Davis Farms is harvesting a peanut field in Faceville, Georgia. They are harvesting with a John Deere 8245R with a Amadas six row peanut combine, A John Deere 8300 with a four row Amadas peanut combine, and a New Holland 8970 with a four row peanut combine. The New Holland peanut ... More
Video: John Deere 9650 Harvesting Double Crop Soybeans

Video: John Deere 9650 Harvesting Double Crop Soybeans

SK Farms is seen harvesting a small field of double crop soybeans. these beans were strip tilled into wheat after the wheat harvest in June. These beans are short but full of pods. The field is being harvested with a John Deere 9650 STS combine.... More
Video: Case IH 9240 Axial-Flow Combine Harvesting Soybeans

Video: Case IH 9240 Axial-Flow Combine Harvesting Soybeans

Case IH 9240 Axial-Flow Combine Harvesting Soybeans... More
Video:  Tandem Discing With 2210 Versatile Genesis

Video: Tandem Discing With 2210 Versatile Genesis

This is a video of how we rip up old alfalfa fields. The disc is a 26-foot case disc and the tractor is a 2210 Versatile Genesis.... More
Video: Combining Wet Canola

Video: Combining Wet Canola

Tried one more time to get more canola off... would barely go through the combine.... More
 Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk discusses supplement needs for cow-calf pairs on hay.... More
Video: Jeranda Farms Harvest

Video: Jeranda Farms Harvest

Excellent video of the harvest season with Jeranda Farms. Lots of great drone footage of the machinery in action.... More
Ear Rots In Corn - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Ear Rots In Corn - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes how corn growers can scout fields for ear rot diseases. ... More
Cry1F Efficacy - Julie Peterson

Cry1F Efficacy - Julie Peterson

Julie Peterson, Nebraska Extension entomologist, talks about the efficacy of the Cry1F protein on western bean cutworm. ... More
Video: Ag Minute - Early Corn Maturity

Video: Ag Minute - Early Corn Maturity

In this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about corn maturity, and different factors that affect when a corn hybrid reaches maturity.... More
Video: Iron Talk - Shatter Loss

Video: Iron Talk - Shatter Loss

In this Iron Talk segment, Darren Hefty explains shatter loss in corn, and ways to reduce loss this harvest.... More
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