Iron Talk - Planting Time Applications Outside The Furrow

Iron Talk - Planting Time Applications Outside The Furrow

Darren Hefty discusses equipment needed to conduct fertility applications outside the furrow. ... More
Iron Talk - Planter Residue Managers

Iron Talk - Planter Residue Managers

Darren Hefty discusses the importance of good residue management on your planter. ... More
Cotton Outlook 2016

Cotton Outlook 2016

Cotton prices are projected to remain range-bound in the near term due to large stocks held by China, coupled with depressed prices among all agricultural commodities. “We’ve been stuck in the 60-cent to 67-cent range for a while now,” said Dr. John Robinson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Servic... More
Herbicide Modes Of Action

Herbicide Modes Of Action

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss varying modes of action to reduce herbicide resistance. ... More
Corn Planting Depth

Corn Planting Depth

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how ideal corn planting depth can improve yields. ... More
Beef Research Update - Galen Erickson

Beef Research Update - Galen Erickson

Galen Erickson, Nebraska Extension beef feedlot nutrition specialist, talks about cattle performance over time and the use of corn residues... More
Freeze Thaw Effect On Soil Compaction

Freeze Thaw Effect On Soil Compaction

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how seasonal freezing and thawing can affect soil compaction. ... More

IPTV : Market To Market, Analyst Naomi Blohm

IPTV : Market To Market, Analyst Naomi Blohm

New SNAP rules could create an oasis in food deserts. Oklahoma shakes as a lawsuit strikes the oil industry. An innovative program helps horseback riders find the path home. Market analysis with Naomi Blohm.... More
Community Conversations May Lead To Your Next Big Idea

Community Conversations May Lead To Your Next Big Idea

Farmers across Canada are making it happen by creating small groups that meet regularly to inspire and learn from each other. ... More
The Journey Of The Egg

The Journey Of The Egg

An egg starts off as an egg! At the hatchery, breeding flocks lay fertilized eggs that are placed in special incubators. Twenty one days later these eggs hatch baby chicks. The chicks are then moved to a pullet barn, where they will grow for nineteen weeks. ... More
Dairy Farming in Canada

Dairy Farming in Canada

This is a video of how we milk cows in Canada. ... More
Corn And Soybean Planting Population

Corn And Soybean Planting Population

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how varying planting population of corn and soybeans can improve the bottom line for farmers.... More
Early Diseases And Insects In Wheat

Early Diseases And Insects In Wheat

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss early season timing for control of diseases and insects in wheat.... More
The Bees

The Bees' Needs

The past few years have seen Ontario honey bees dying off at an alarming rate, with a number of factors likely contributing to the problem. The province of Ontario recently curbed the use of neonicotinoid, a powerful pesticide linked with bee health. The Agenda looks at that move, along with oth... More
Big Farm - Harvesting Cotton In Canada 2016 - Dej Turner

Big Farm - Harvesting Cotton In Canada 2016 - Dej Turner

Big Farm - Harvesting Cotton In Canada 2016 - Dej Turner... More
JJ Broch Garlic Splitter and Sizer

JJ Broch Garlic Splitter and Sizer

JJ Broch Garlic Splitter and Sizer... More
What Happens When A Soybean Is Processed?

What Happens When A Soybean Is Processed?

Do you know what happens when a soybean is processed? Well initially it results in two main products....meal which is used as a feed for livestock and vegetable oil which is used for cooking. However, there are many other industrial uses for soybean oil that add value to this crop.... More
Market Analysis - Roy Smith

Market Analysis - Roy Smith

Roy Smith, farmer and grain marketing consultant from Plattsmouth, Nebraska, explains how the strength of the U.S. dollar and policies in Argentina are impacting corn and soybean prices.... More
Are Bins Ready For Grain?

Are Bins Ready For Grain?

Carol Jones has advice for producers who are storing grain on their farms.... More
CW Petroleum Grows With Biodiesel

CW Petroleum Grows With Biodiesel

Biodiesel has been part of Chris Williams business plan for years and the results are impressive. Listen and learn how biodiesel is helping this fuel marketer grow his business and market share.... More
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