Cow-Calf Corner
Apr 05, 2024

Video: Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses the genetic differences among cattle breeds.

Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses the genetic differences among cattle breeds.... More
Do You Have a Vaccination Plan Yet?

Do You Have a Vaccination Plan Yet?

Rosslyn Biggs, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist, says if you do not have vaccination plan for your herd, now is the time to put one together.... More
A Texas warning on wild pigs threatening Minnesota

A Texas warning on wild pigs threatening Minnesota

Wild pigs capable of destroying habitat, uprooting crops and carrying the threat of disease to livestock are within miles of the state across the Canadian border. They are found in 35 U.S. states causing $2.5 billion dollars in damages annually, according to the USDA.... More
Why Are Wild Boars The Most Dangerous Concern for American Farmers?

Why Are Wild Boars The Most Dangerous Concern for American Farmers?

Why Are Wild Boars The Most Dangerous Concern for American Farmers? In the expansive landscapes of American farmlands, the persistent challenge haunting American farmers revolves around the escalating threat posed by wild boars. These resilient creatures, driven by insatiable appetites, pose ... More
Are Wild Hogs Out of Control In Florida?

Are Wild Hogs Out of Control In Florida?

In this episode we trap a large sounder of 13 hogs hanging out near a steel mill in Northeast Florida!... More
The invading wild boars: What is really happening in the USA?

The invading wild boars: What is really happening in the USA?

The situation of dealing with wild hogs in Texas is proving to be a significant challenge. Wild hogs, also known as feral pigs, are causing numerous issues for both agriculture and the environment in the region. With rapid reproduction rates and the potential to damage the soil, wild hogs have b... More
The Future of Labour and Careers in the Food System

The Future of Labour and Careers in the Food System

The Future of Labour and Careers in the Food System | | It's Good Canada... More

How to Remove and Install a BX LA344 Loader!

How to Remove and Install a BX LA344 Loader!

Chris and Caleb demonstrate the removal and installation process for a LA344 front end quick attach loader on a BX2380 Kubota tractor.... More
Case IH Large Square Baler Automation

Case IH Large Square Baler Automation

With Case IH Baler Automation, your tractor and baler seamlessly work together to deliver consistent, high-quality bales even as field and crop conditions change. With no operator involvement, the tractor speed is automatically adjusted to match the windrow volume to maximize baler throughput. U... More
CLAAS | JAGUAR. Quality guaranteed

CLAAS | JAGUAR. Quality guaranteed

First-class service for a machine that delivers top performance: with CLAAS PREMIUM LINE you can look forward to even higher operational reliability for the JAGUAR.... More
Moving A Shipping Container With A John Deere Tractor

Moving A Shipping Container With A John Deere Tractor

In today's video, Laura finishes up some field work, Grant runs the fuel trailer empty, (we need to get the kinks worked out before planting season) and we help a friend in need! Would you ever buy a shipping container and transform it into something useful? Are we going to buy another old tract... More
890 HP 10X 890 COPY CAT Tractor Plowing

890 HP 10X 890 COPY CAT Tractor Plowing

Big Tractor Power is out in the field with a 890 hp 10X 890 COPY CAT Tractor pulling a 14 bottom 21 ft wide JOHN DEERE 2800 moldboard plow . Viewers will follow this big plowing team in the field , ride in the tractor cab as well as learn about the machine''s specifications and history.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, looks at the USDA’s recent release of their 2024 Estimated Crop Planted Acres report.... More
Undisciplined Capital Has Potential to Greatly Impact U.S. Soybean Crush Potential

Undisciplined Capital Has Potential to Greatly Impact U.S. Soybean Crush Potential

The future outlook for the soybean crush industry depends on various factors, including interest rates, acreage changes, and global demand for soybean products.... More
How Can You Tell if There is Bermudagrass in Your Pasture?

How Can You Tell if There is Bermudagrass in Your Pasture?

Alex Rocateli, OSU Extension forage specialist, has tips on how to identify bermudagrass in pastures.... More
Gravity Table

Gravity Table

A look at one element of milling Soybeans.... More
Fertilizer Analysis

Fertilizer Analysis

Farm Basics from Ag PhD Episode #1356 | Air Date 3/31/24 - Find out what the numbers on fertilizer packages mean.... More
A new addition to the Golden Girls retirement village... RUBY SUE!! | Vlog 729

A new addition to the Golden Girls retirement village... RUBY SUE!! | Vlog 729

After being blasted with our first snowfall of the year, we had to put corn harvest on hold... again. Sort of fine with that, as I've got a three day job of hoof trimming and vaccinating to complete with my ladies fast approaching their due date!!... More
From Three to None

From Three to None

From Three to None | | Conley Banman... More
Chris Byers Cattle Farm

Chris Byers Cattle Farm

SBM revists Chris Byers cattle farm to look at his handling facility.... More
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