BD7600 Mechanical Drive Calibration
May 05, 2022

Video: BD7600 Mechanical Drive Calibration

This video shows the viewer how to properly calibrate a BD7600 drill.

BD7600 Mechanical Drive Calibration

BD7600 Mechanical Drive Calibration

This video shows the viewer how to properly calibrate a BD7600 drill.... More
Iowa Farmers Overcoming Input Challenges

Iowa Farmers Overcoming Input Challenges

Input prices and availability are putting many Iowa farmers in a tough situation. Hear from Suzanne Shirbroun, Iowa soybean farmer, on how she is overcoming those challenges and maximizing the benefit she receives from the soybean checkoff.... More
Why Corteva Agriscience Continues to Support ESAP

Why Corteva Agriscience Continues to Support ESAP

Damon Palmer from Corteva Agriscience, the agriculture division of DowDuPont, explains why his company has been a long-time supporter of the Environmental Stewardship Awards Program.... More
Enlist Update - Amit Jhala

Enlist Update - Amit Jhala

Enlist Update - Amit Jhala... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, gives an update on how wheat, corn and soybean prices are faring.... More
Funny Farm Animals — Volume 4

Funny Farm Animals — Volume 4

Enjoy this hilarious compilation of videos featuring funny farm animals including cows, goats, pigs, sheep, horses and more!... More
Aussie Farmer Creates Hilarious Videos with Farm Animals

Aussie Farmer Creates Hilarious Videos with Farm Animals

This Australian farmer creates hilarious videos with his farm animals — this will surely give you a laugh!... More

Building Soil Carbon and Soil Tilth for Water Conservation

Building Soil Carbon and Soil Tilth for Water Conservation

This webinar features professional agrologist George Powell discussing how to conserve water and manage moisture using soil organics and tilth, the structure of the soil.... More
Cover Cropping on the Canadian Prairies

Cover Cropping on the Canadian Prairies

Webinar presentation (November 3, 2021) putting cover cropping into context for Canadian Prairie farmers and stakeholders and describe what type of farms are using cover crops, why farms are using cover crops, cover crop agronomy, what benefits and challenges farms have experienced, and what cou... More
Biosecurity on Tillage Farms

Biosecurity on Tillage Farms

Teagasc Crops - Biosecurity on Tillage Farms... More
Soil Health Principles

Soil Health Principles

A quick review of the soil health pricinples I subscribe to: living roots, reduced tillage, plant diversity, reduced reliance on synthetics, and livestock integration.... More
Cover Crops - Andrea Basche

Cover Crops - Andrea Basche

UNL Assistant Professor of Soil and Water Sciences, Andrea Basche shares the results of a recent soil health study. She advises us on the use of Cover Crops and the benefits they bring to soil health.... More
Current Crop Diseases

Current Crop Diseases

Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems shows us how to identify southern rust on your corn and ways to contain the disease.... More
Managing Pests in Alfalfa

Managing Pests in Alfalfa

Kelly Seuhs tells us about a pest that can cause a lot of damage to alfalfa seed.... More
Controlling Weeds in Shelterbelts

Controlling Weeds in Shelterbelts

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss various ways of reducing weeds in shelterbelts from the beginning until when they are well established.... More
Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

The Ag PhD Field Guide App is a free app that you may use to identify weeds and insects in your fields, as well as look up ways to control them in your fields.... More
Manure as Fertilizer

Manure as Fertilizer

With input costs on the rise in crop production you may want to consider making use of manure in order to offset some of those rising fertilizer costs.... More
SUNUP- Changes in Oklahoma Tillage

SUNUP- Changes in Oklahoma Tillage

Jason Warren, OSU Extension soil and water conservation specialist, and Randy Taylor, OSU Extension agriculture state program leader, talk about challenges and options for no-till crop production.... More
Bumper Crops: Fall Soil Sampling Keys to Success

Bumper Crops: Fall Soil Sampling Keys to Success

Dan and Damon discuss fall soil sampling and how it helps prepare a successful soil fertility plan for next year's field crops.... More
What is Calf Shrinkage?

What is Calf Shrinkage?

Paul Beck, OSU Extension beef specialist, discusses calf shrink and gives advice on how producers can manage the issue.... More
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