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Cow-Calf Corner
Mar 03, 2022
Cow-Calf Corner
Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, answers the question: “What is the value of a good bull?”
Cow-Calf Corner
Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, answers the question: “What is the value of a good bull?”...
MAMA RED IS DOWN! | ...and it looks bad.
Valentine's Day weekend wasn't exactly what Mama Red had in mind... I noticed her slow to move late last week, and upon further investigation saw that her teat looked bitten. Up until editing this video, I swore it was the lambs... But now I'm wondering if perhaps it was a touch of frost bite?...
Veltyma fungicide on potatoes | BASF
Introducing Veltyma, powered by Revysol – the optimal fungicide for protection against key foliar diseases in potatoes, including early blight, black dot and brown spot....
Cold Starting the Kubota Fleet in -30 Celsius!
Chris takes a walk around the yard at Huckabones Kubota to cold start various Kubota equipment! After over night conditions of -40 Celsius and day time conditions of -30 Celsius we wonder if they can handle the cold!...
2022 Pulse Select Seed Grower Meeting: Key and Emerging Issues in Pulse Production
From Saskatchewan Pulse Growers’ annual Pulse Select Seed Grower Winter Meeting presented virtually on January 12th, 2022 – Sarah Anderson, Agronomy Manager with Saskatchewan Pulse Growers provides Select Seed Growers with an update on key and emerging issues in pulse production in Saskatchewan....
2021 Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Tracking Survey Results
Presenter: Sven Anders, Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Science - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta This presentation covers: · Trends in producer adoption of environmentally sustainable agriculture practices · Alberta’s primary ...
Ukrainian farmers rise against the Russian army
Ukrainian farmers use farm equipment to tow away Russian army vehicles....
Crunching the Numbers: Business Management on Organic Farms Panel Series
Manitoba Organic Alliance - Crunching the Numbers: Business Management on Organic Farms Panel Series - If you missed this panel series on 20 January 2022, you can watch it now! We've included timestamps below for easy navigation....
Duck Foot
Duck Foot Parts Inc - Duck Foot...
Meet The Farmer: Justin Bell
Justin Bell is a fifth generation farmer and is focused on protecting and maintaining the soil quality on his farm....
Funny Mahindra/Daytona 500 Commercial
Mahindra Tractors filmed a commercial featuring Stewart-Haas Racing owner, Tony Stewart, and driver of the number 14 Mahindra Tractors Ford, Chase Briscoe. This is the second commercial that was made, and it debuted during the 2022 Daytona 500....
FSA Deadlines
State Executive Director, Farm Service Agency, John Berge tells us about about application deadlines approaching insuring that producers are covered....
USDA Releases Commodity Outlook
The USDA’s Ag Outlook Forum is usually a market mover as the government agency releases estimates on the coming production year....
What should we take into Consideration Regarding Cross-fostering in Suckling Pigs?
What should we take into Consideration Regarding Cross-fostering in Suckling Pigs?...
SUNUP- Changes in Oklahoma Tillage
Jason Warren, OSU Extension soil and water conservation specialist, and Randy Taylor, OSU Extension agriculture state program leader, talk about challenges and options for no-till crop production....
Chicago Board of Trade - Farm Basics
Farm Basics from Ag PhD Show Episode # 1246 for the week of 2-20-22. How do farmers hedge their grain sales by using the Chicago Board of Trade? The Heftys sell to the CBOT every year. The process can be confusing, Brian and Darren break it down....
Bob Lowe interviews MP and Conservative Agriculture Critic, John Barlow
Bob Lowe, President of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association interviewed the Conservative Shadow Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Member of Parliament, John Barlow, to find out how the priorities of the Official Opposition align with and support the Canadian beef sector....
Meet The Farmer: The Maws
The Maws are a third generation grain farmer specializing in wheat, corn and soybeans. Watch as they show you the behind-the-scenes of farming....
Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: Moving Lambs To The Next Barn
At Ewetopia Farms, we having been lambing for a month now. Our first Coverall is full of sheep and lambs. So today, after first cleaning out the barn, we shipped the first of the next group of ewes and lambs to the next Coverall. We also explain and show how lambs can become dependent upon you a...
Roundup | Transorb Cleavers Test 1 | Bayer Canada
Product timelapse video for Bayer Crop Science Canada – Roundup Transorb® HC herbicide compared to competitor glyphosate Environment: Light frost followed by good growing conditions Timelapse: 25 days after application...
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