Touring a Cattle Farm in Oil Springs
Feb 23, 2022

Video: Touring a Cattle Farm in Oil Springs

I visited Chris Byers cattle farm in Oil Springs Ontario.

Touring a Cattle Farm in Oil Springs

Touring a Cattle Farm in Oil Springs

I visited Chris Byers cattle farm in Oil Springs Ontario.... More
Antique Farm Equipment - Renner Farm

Antique Farm Equipment - Renner Farm

In the first part of this three part series we visit Tom Renner’s extensive collection of antique farm equipment. Most of the items in this first installment are antique farm implements from the turn of the century and early 1900’s. Horse drawn equipment makes up most of the antique collection.... More
1950s Ford Tractor Commercial —The Day of The Horse is Gone Forever

1950s Ford Tractor Commercial —The Day of The Horse is Gone Forever

Take a trip back to the 1950s in this Ford Tractor Commercial: The Day of The Horse is Gone Forever. It’s amazing to see the progress we’ve made when it comes to farm equipment and technology.... More

Canada's Ag Day 2022

Saskatchewan Agriculture - Canada's Ag Day 2022... More
Manipulating Agronomic Factors in Canola - Dr. Brian Beres, AAFC

Manipulating Agronomic Factors in Canola - Dr. Brian Beres, AAFC

Canola Council - Dr. Brian Beres, senior research scientist of agronomy with AAFC, shares updates on their research project on manipulating agronomic factors such as hybrids, sowing density and harvest management. Dr. Beres presented on Dec. 1, during the Canola Discovery Forum, day two of Canol... More
Manure Build up in Corrals and Maintenance on Crowd Gate!

Manure Build up in Corrals and Maintenance on Crowd Gate!

SaskDutch Kid - Manure Build up in Corrals and Maintenance on Crowd Gate!... More
What is Silage Ready?

What is Silage Ready?

Bayer Crop Science Canada - What is Silage Ready™? | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science - Did you know it takes two years of rigorous trials to earn the DEKALB® Silage Ready™ designation? See how our Silage Ready hybrids can benefit your farm.... More

Drive Away Hunger 2021 Results

Drive Away Hunger 2021 Results

Farm Credit Canada - Thanks to every donor in Canadian ag and food who helped Drive Away Hunger set a new record in 2021. Join the drive in 2022: More
Cleaning Equipment

Cleaning Equipment

How Farms Work - Cleaning Equipment... More
Planting Barley!

Planting Barley!

Veeser Cattle Co. - Planting Barley!... More
Cover Crops | Andrea Basche

Cover Crops | Andrea Basche

UNL Assistant Professor of Soil and Water Sciences, Andrea Basche shares the results of a recent soil health study. She advises us on the use of Cover Crops and the benefits they bring to soil health.... More
Remembering last year’s Arctic Intrusion

Remembering last year’s Arctic Intrusion

Two reports this week highlight the weather and climate. One by a hydrologist at UCLA ranks the last 22 years as the driest in the past 1,200 years.... More
Beneficial Tachinid Flies Help Control Corn Ear Worms in Hemp

Beneficial Tachinid Flies Help Control Corn Ear Worms in Hemp

Dr. Armando Falcon-Brindis is studying how when Corn Ear worms feed on hemp, beneficial Tachinid flies lay eggs on the worms.... More
Meet Your Farmers: Dave McEachren

Meet Your Farmers: Dave McEachren

Grain farmer Dave is focused on utilizing cover crops to increase sustainability. Watch to find out more and check out the rest of our farmers in this 'Meet the Farmer" series.... More
Rolling out of the corn, hopefully onto beans?

Rolling out of the corn, hopefully onto beans?

We have made it to day 20 of harvest. basically, halfway finished. Sometimes the dually don't fit so the 78 has to go! Then we switch back to the 82! Musical combines!... More
LAUDIS® | Eastern Canada | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science

LAUDIS® | Eastern Canada | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science

New Laudis® herbicide offers fast-acting control of tough broadleaf weeds while delivering outstanding crop safety in field and sweet corn.... More
Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: Sheep Movement & Barn Reconfigurations

Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: Sheep Movement & Barn Reconfigurations

Today's video at Ewetopia Farms is all about movement and barn reconfiguration. In order to deal with the ever changing logistics on a sheep farm, you are constantly having to adjust your spaces to the sheeps' needs. Today we moved several groups of sheep around to make room for more pregnant ew... More
2022 Pulse Select Seed Grower Meeting: Lentil & Faba Bean Update

2022 Pulse Select Seed Grower Meeting: Lentil & Faba Bean Update

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers - From Saskatchewan Pulse Growers’ annual Pulse Select Seed Grower Winter Meeting presented virtually on January 12th, 2022 – Laurie Friesen, Seed Program Manager with Saskatchewan Pulse Growers provides Select Seed Growers with an update on lentil and faba bean variet... More
Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency & Soil Sustainability in Canola Production - Dr. Bao-luo Ma, AAFC

Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency & Soil Sustainability in Canola Production - Dr. Bao-luo Ma, AAFC

Canola Council - Dr. Bao-Iuo Ma, research scientist of crop physiology with AAFC, shares updates on their CARP project on improving nitrogen use efficiency and soil sustainability in canola production across Canada. Dr. Ma presented on Dec. 1, during the Canola Discovery Forum, day two of Canola... More
SCIC - Dry Conditions - AgriStability Eligible Expenses

SCIC - Dry Conditions - AgriStability Eligible Expenses

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation - Increased feed costs, inventory reductions and price declines are factored into the AgriStability Calculations of Benefits. Contact your local SCIC office or call 1-866-270-8450 to learn more.... More
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