Seed Applied Technology Opportunities Abound
Jan 31, 2022

Video: Seed Applied Technology Opportunities Abound

Join Prabdeep Bajwa to learn more about what Corteva is doing in the seed applied technologies realm, including their thoughts on partnerships here.


Seed Applied Technology Opportunities Abound

Seed Applied Technology Opportunities Abound

Join Prabdeep Bajwa to learn more about what Corteva is doing in the seed applied technologies realm, including their thoughts on partnerships here.... More
Q-Catch 54 Series Cattle Squeeze Chute Walkthrough

Q-Catch 54 Series Cattle Squeeze Chute Walkthrough

Get the details on the main features of the new Arrowquip Q-Catch 54 Series cattle squeeze chute in this product walkthrough with Steve Langrell.... More
How to prioritize which canola traits are most important - Errin Willenborg Canola Watch Webinar

How to prioritize which canola traits are most important - Errin Willenborg Canola Watch Webinar

Canola Council - Maximizing Hybrid Potential: Targeting traits to improve yield and consistency - How to prioritize which canola traits are most important - Errin Willenborg Canola Watch Webinar... More
InVigor “Breeding Excellence” | BASF

InVigor “Breeding Excellence” | BASF

Success is bred into every InVigor hybrid canola seed. See what this means to our breeders, and more importantly, you with this video.... More


Bayer Crop Science Canada - Introducing DKB0008-87, a new soybean variety from DEKALB. Early-maturity. Medium-tall height. Excellent standability. It’s a great all around choice. DEKALB DKB0008-87 | Eastern and Western Canada | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science... More
SUNUP - Administering Vaccines to Cattle

SUNUP - Administering Vaccines to Cattle

We continue our collaborative series with the Oklahoma Beef Quality Assurance program. Rosslyn Biggs, DVM, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist, takes an in-depth look at handling and administering vaccines.... More

Al's Forecast

Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More

Peanut Growers Get Together to Talk Production

Peanut Growers Get Together to Talk Production

A welcomed sight in Tifton, Georgia as vendors, equipment manufacturers, and growers all made their return for the 45th Annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference, following its cancellation in 2021. Damon Jones was among the attendees and tells us why the event couldn't have come at a bette... More
Pork Producers Sharpen Their Defense Against Viruses And The Ballot Box

Pork Producers Sharpen Their Defense Against Viruses And The Ballot Box

The headlines around the hog market are of both the domestic and global variety. This week, the largest production state was the site of a meeting of industry leaders from across the Midwest.... More
Start With The Gilt-Development Unit For Mhp Elimination

Start With The Gilt-Development Unit For Mhp Elimination

US pig producers have made a big push to eliminate Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) from their herds as a way to capture more value in finishing pigs, said Melissa Hensch, DVM, director of health and animal care at The Maschhoffs, headquartered in Carlyle, Illinois. But like any control and elimin... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

The headlines around the hog market are of both the domestic and global variety. This week, the largest production state was the site of a meeting of industry leaders from across the Midwest.... More
Getting both L2 Gleaners at some corn!

Getting both L2 Gleaners at some corn!

Day 15 of 2021 harvest. Finally got both L2 Gleaners into some corn!... More
Q&A with a Grain Farmer

Q&A with a Grain Farmer

People usually have a lot of questions for farmers about how they grow food. This video features Jeff, an Ontario grain farmer, answering the most popular—and most often asked—questions about grain farming.... More

EWE're as cold as ice | let's see if this worked...

IT'S SO COLD!!!...and sheep farming plays with a different set of rules when it gets THIS cold.... More
Andros Frost Protection Fabric Collector Front and Rear mount

Andros Frost Protection Fabric Collector Front and Rear mount

Worlds Best Drip Tape - Crop Protection Against Frost, and Pests, Installation, Retrieval, Handling, Crop Protection, As Well As Recycling and Repurposing Technology.... More
Canola pod shatter rating presented by Nicolea Dow

Canola pod shatter rating presented by Nicolea Dow

Canola Council - Maximizing Hybrid Potential: Targeting traits to improve yield and consistency - Canola pod shatter rating presented by Nicolea Dow | Canola Watch Webinar Series... More
2022 SeCan Seed Supply Showcase

2022 SeCan Seed Supply Showcase

2021 was a challenging year. Fortunately, SeCan member grower/retailers did what they do best — growing and processing seed locally for their customers. SeCan has a host of new options for 2022. We cover: ​​​​​​​ • What's new in a variety of crop types • Possible challenges and things to... More
Creating New Wetlands

Creating New Wetlands

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Living Lab - Atlantic: Creating New Wetlands... More


Meet DEKALB’s new DKB008-48. It’s a later maturing soybean variety with a strong agronomic package that performs across a wide variety of soil types. | Western Canada | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science... More
The 4240 is here!

The 4240 is here!

South Sask Farmer - The 4240 is here!... More
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