What it will take to “Go Green” as an Industry?
Nov 03, 2021

Video: What it will take to “Go Green” as an Industry?

Agriculture has for decades been working to help soil and the environment, but with climate change in the headlines and ag under the microscope, what can agriculture do currently to “go green?" Join as panelist take a closer look at practices such as regenerative ag and carbon pricing.


What it will take to “Go Green” as an Industry?

What it will take to “Go Green” as an Industry?

Agriculture has for decades been working to help soil and the environment, but with climate change in the headlines and ag under the microscope, what can agriculture do currently to “go green?" Join as panelist take a closer look at practices such as regenerative ag and carbon pricing.... More
Moving Sheep and Dealing With Weeds In Organic Soybeans

Moving Sheep and Dealing With Weeds In Organic Soybeans

We are getting ready to harvest our organic soybeans. This is not as straightforward as is sometimes thought. We have to clean out as much of the weed seeds as possible and we show you how we go about doing that.... More
What a gong show. The cows are home!

What a gong show. The cows are home!

South Sask Farmer - What a gong show. The cows are home!... More
We have an I D 10 T problem on the farm

We have an I D 10 T problem on the farm

Idiot backs into the livestock water tanks moving panels. Some people 🤷‍♂️. Weather is relentless the last few weeks. We have pretty much came to the realization that fall tillage and fall came application is over. We are still grinding feed weather permitting and now fixing livestock water tan... More
How to Winterize for Short Term Storage | John Deere 8RX Tractors with ExactRate™ Tractor Tanks

How to Winterize for Short Term Storage | John Deere 8RX Tractors with ExactRate™ Tractor Tanks

Learn how to winterize only the plumbing system on an ExactRate™ tractor tank system when ambient temperatures are expected to fall below freezing.... More
BESL M400 Heavy Haul Walkaround

BESL M400 Heavy Haul Walkaround

BESL M400 Heavy Haul Walkaround | Brandt Group of Companies... More
More Armyworm Problems on the Way?

More Armyworm Problems on the Way?

Tom Royer, OSU Extension entomologist, talks about scouting and controlling insects that like to over winter in Oklahoma wheat fields.... More

In The Field

In The Field

In the Field, an in-depth look at an operation or two connected to that community.... More
Specialty Crops Performance

Specialty Crops Performance

CoBank is the largest lender in agriculture in the United States. Many co-ops are clients as part of the Farm Credit System. They see what's happening in the agricultural supply chain almost in real-time. What goes up, will likely come down and supplies today may quickly be eaten up by demand. T... More
BASF InVigor 2021 - Pod Shatter Reduction From the Field - Eastern Canada

BASF InVigor 2021 - Pod Shatter Reduction From the Field - Eastern Canada

See how InVigor pod shatter reduction technology helps protect your yield by safely retaining the seeds in the pod until you’re ready to harvest—even under adverse conditions.... More
Ontario Summer Harvest.

Ontario Summer Harvest.

Check out what summer harvest in Ontario looks like.... More
Ammoniation of Low Quality Forages

Ammoniation of Low Quality Forages

Manitoba Agriculture - Ammoniation of Low Quality Forages... More
Victory Canola Presentation

Victory Canola Presentation

Cargill Ag Canada - Victory Canola Presentation... More
New Tirexor - the next generation of weed control from BASF

New Tirexor - the next generation of weed control from BASF

BASF AgSolutions CA - Watch the unique and powerful action of the new Tirexor™ molecule from BASF. #Tirexor #Burndown #BASFPre-Seed #Voraxor... More
Molasses supplement for livestock

Molasses supplement for livestock

With the lack of hay, both in quality and volume, and the high cost of grain. Using straw and molasses supplement may be a cost effective addition to your feeding program this season. We have several large repeat customers already who have seen great results by introducing the molasses into thei... More
5020 gets dusty!

5020 gets dusty!

South Sask Farmer - 5020 gets dusty!... More
Tubing Oat

Tubing Oat's and Peas

We are tubing our cover crop to use as cattle feed.... More
Sheep Farming: A Look At Our Polled Dorset Sheep

Sheep Farming: A Look At Our Polled Dorset Sheep

A close up look and discussion of the Polled Dorset breed of sheep - what we want in our sheep and what we don't. Disclaimer: these are our opinions and goals for our breeding flock. We recognize these may not reflect others opinions and are not meant to criticize others' selection criteria.... More
Bumper Crops: Capturing value from manure by planning fall applications

Bumper Crops: Capturing value from manure by planning fall applications

What is the value of manure applied to a field? How do you capturie value from manure by planning fall applications? Kevin Shelley and Damon Smith discuss matching crop nutrient requirements with manure applications this fall.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson, OSU Extension crop marketing specialist, tells us about wheat planting progress, as well as soybean, sorghum and cotton harvest progress. He also shares good news about crop prices.... More
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