Haying - 2021
Oct 04, 2021

Video: Haying - 2021

Mowing hay, raking hay, baling hay, hauling hay. John Deere 568 Baler New Holland 1431 Discbine Kuhn Speed Rake


Haying - 2021

Haying - 2021

Mowing hay, raking hay, baling hay, hauling hay. John Deere 568 Baler New Holland 1431 Discbine Kuhn Speed Rake... More
New Holland Air Drill (Presentation & Walk Through)

New Holland Air Drill (Presentation & Walk Through)

Rocky Mountain Equipment - New Holland Air Drill (Presentation & Walk Through)... More
Precision Ag Tech at Your Fingertips

Precision Ag Tech at Your Fingertips

At the Farms.com 2021 Great Ontario Crop Yield Tour, Luca Gallo, the Precision Sales Specialist for Ontario and Quebec for Case IH, discussed the easy-to-use mycaseih.com website and the tools it offers the precision technology agriculture farmer.... More
Why build a reservoir on your farm?

Why build a reservoir on your farm?

Precision Planting Team share thoughts on why you should build a reservoir on your farm. From a presentation at the 2021 Great Ontario Yield Tour.... More
Taking Stock of the Market

Taking Stock of the Market

Farms.com’s Chief Commodity Strategist Moe Agostino provides timely advice to Canadian farmers on when to buy fertilizer and when to sell crops for maximum gain.... More
Cyberattacks May Target Big Businesses but can Hurt Small Farms

Cyberattacks May Target Big Businesses but can Hurt Small Farms

Cyberattacks in the agriculture industry have increased in the last year and while large companies are often targeted, these attacks have an impact up and down the supply chain.... More
The MPPA Prepares for African Swine Fever; Record Corn Yields Predicted in Michigan

The MPPA Prepares for African Swine Fever; Record Corn Yields Predicted in Michigan

Preventing African Swine Fever from entering the United States is job number one for the domestic pork industry.... More

U.S. House Legislators Push for Action on Historic Wildfires

U.S. House Legislators Push for Action on Historic Wildfires

Rep. Abigail Spanberger/Chair – House Agriculture Subcommittee: “The fires are terrifying, and I stand ready to do whatever I can,...... More
Fertilizer Applications in Dry Weather

Fertilizer Applications in Dry Weather

Brian Arnall, OSU Extension precision nutrient management specialist, gives fertilizer application recommendations for wheat planting during these dry conditions.... More
Understanding the Textile Supply Chain

Understanding the Textile Supply Chain

Cotton demand has experienced a strong recovery following the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, economic analysts often underestimate the complexity of the global textile supply chain. Dr. Jody Campiche, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council, ... More

Al's Forecast

As producers are hitting the fields Al is back for his regular forecast, see what he’s tracking this week in the weather as we head into harvest.... More
JJNS Farms - Bean Planting Day 5 - Video 1 - Rained out!?

JJNS Farms - Bean Planting Day 5 - Video 1 - Rained out!?

This is our 5th day of the 2021 bean planting. Think we will get rained out! Maybe not!... More
Sheep Farming: Lambing Jugs Full!

Sheep Farming: Lambing Jugs Full!

It's been a busy three days of lambing with everyone coming in at the same time. Pretty good for out of season lambing without using CIDRs to stimulate ovulation. 100% catch for us with approximately 90 Dorset and Dorset crosses and even a few Suffolks.... More
Trucking some grain!

Trucking some grain!

The Ag Bros are Jim, Tom and Eric Schuurmans. We are a dairy, poultry and grain farm in Ontario, Canada.... More
Vayantis IV is a new soybean seed treatment from Syngenta.

Vayantis IV is a new soybean seed treatment from Syngenta.

The spring of 2021 was amazing. We got onto the land early, however, after planting it was cool and wet in Southwestern Ontario. In the AGRIS MiField Technology Site near Chatham, Ontario, Stephanie Divitaris introduces Vayantis IV; a co-pack of Vayantis and Vibrance Trio.... More
Assessing the Value of Your Alfalfa Seed Purchase

Assessing the Value of Your Alfalfa Seed Purchase

Pioneer Seeds - - In this video, Jim Smith, Dairy Strategic Account Manager, discusses alfalfa considerations for 2022.... More


Blum Family Farm - Rain day so we figured we would get our Molasses set up figure out.... More
Combining Canola, Baling Straw, Raking Hay!

Combining Canola, Baling Straw, Raking Hay!

SaskDutch Kid - Combining Canola, Baling Straw, Raking Hay!... More
AgTron - Blockage System and More

AgTron - Blockage System and More

Rocky Mountain Equipment - AgTron - Blockage System and More... More
Saving Corn from the Drought - A Seed World Strategy Webinar

Saving Corn from the Drought - A Seed World Strategy Webinar

The U.S. has faced everything in the past few years — from flooding to drought! But how are we working to breed corn for extreme weather conditions? What are breeders looking for, and what are they doing to innovate?... More
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