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Explaining the 75% Rule
Sep 21, 2021
Explaining the 75% Rule
Elliott Dennis, UNL Livestock Marketing Economist, examines the first two quarterly reports on levels of negotiated trade by region under the 75% rule, and explains its potential impacts on producers.
Explaining the 75% Rule
Elliott Dennis, UNL Livestock Marketing Economist, examines the first two quarterly reports on levels of negotiated trade by region under the 75% rule, and explains its potential impacts on producers....
Cow-Calf Corner - Evaluating Management Practices
Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, says now is a good time to evaluate overall production management practices when weaning fall calves....
Thirty Year Study Using Composting in Corn Plots Improves yield
This continuous corn, thirty year composting research shows adding organic/carbon can add value to soil health and crop production according to Dr. Chuck Rice K-State soil microbiologist....
Feds Improve Tools for Tracking Plant Threats
Insects can range in scale from nuisance to crop killing. The fight to reduce the spread of either takes on different strategies - including the use of data from around the globe....
Company Provides Cheeses with Help from a Local College
Over the past decade, one Georgia company has been providing consumers with some of the highest quality cheeses. Damon Jones reports on how they’re doing it with a little help from a local college....
Training New Pigs to Our Electric Fences
Have you ever wondered what we do when we get new pigs? This video shows how we train our new pigs to the electric fence....
What is the right time to consider using alternative ingredients in pigs' diets? - Dr. Pedro Urriola
What is the right time to consider using alternative ingredients in pigs' diets? - Dr. Pedro Urriola | Swine it...
Using fiber to feed lactating sows - Dr. Tom Weber
Using fiber to feed lactating sows - Dr. Tom Weber | Swine it...
Friday Fix It On The Farm
Friday Fix It On The Hog Farm- In this one the boys fix the tunnel curtain up at site 3, chore the pigs, mow around the farm, load up the red snap in feeders, & smoke a pork butt for dinner....
Manitoba Agriculture - Topics covered today: Grain Storage Tips Crop Scouting Panel Feed Shortage Programs CropTalk...
Seeding Temp
Cargill Ag Canada - Seeding Temp...
We got more animals
Our plan was always to get moved to the farm and get as many animals as we could, we started with a couple horses, then once the fence was good enough we got a pony then some steers and a few chickens and now we got some pigs. Also got the waterers back to a state where we can be confident they ...
Decoding Buzz Words in Ag
Companies sometimes use buzz words such as ‘regenerative,’ ‘sustainable’ or other popularized terms for which a clear definition is not available - but what do they really mean? Join Seed Speaks to hear from experts taking a closer look at buzz words and how they’re used in agriculture....
1682 wraps up the malt and rolls into the canola!
South Sask Farmer - 1682 wraps up the malt and rolls into the canola!...
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin
A tax overhaul may leave some rural policies alone. A war of words and finger pointing over inflationary pressures. Advancements in tracking insects and diseases threatening crops. Market analysis with Sue Martin....
Meat Packing Industry Pushes back at the Biden Administration
A five-alarm fire Sunday night at a JBS plant in Grand Island, Nebraska sparked flashbacks to a 2019 blaze at a Kansas Tyson facility. The disruption at JBS was minimal in comparison but did come at a time when the large meat packers are under attack from the Biden Administration....
Protecting Cattle from BRD
For cattle producers in every part of the country, Bovine Respiratory Disease, or BRD, remains a big challenge. We visit an Oklahoma stocker operation to hear how BRD impacts their business, and what management tools they use to control it....
Producers Looking at Mushrooms for Ag Diversity
Over the past few years, Georgia has become even more agriculturally diverse as the culinary mushroom industry has started to take shape. John Holcomb traveled to Northwest Georgia and spoke to one grower who took a leap of faith onto that proverbial mushroom gravy train....
Committee Work on Reconciliation Package Continues
Lawmakers in the House of Representatives continue the committee markup process to develop the individual pieces of the budget reconciliation bill that will be assembled in the coming weeks. Included in this is a component from the House Agriculture Committee which was approved on a party line v...
Land Values & Commodity Prices
OSU Extension agricultural economic specialist Roger Sahs explains the factors that influence land values....
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