Wheat Midge Scouting and Management
Jul 01, 2021

Video: Wheat Midge Scouting and Management

Sask Wheat Agronomy Extension Specialist Haley Tetreault covers wheat midge scouting and management.

Wheat Midge Scouting and Management

Wheat Midge Scouting and Management

Sask Wheat Agronomy Extension Specialist Haley Tetreault covers wheat midge scouting and management.... More
Agronomy Minute - Soil Variability

Agronomy Minute - Soil Variability

Nutrien Ag Solutions' Manager of Agronomic Services Brianna Lummerding talks about soil variability in a field and how it can affect productivity.... More
Seeding & Sectional control

Seeding & Sectional control

Seeding lentils up north and thought I would run you through the Sectional control one more time. Also Travis had a metering auger bearing go that we had to fix... More
Corteva Agriscience Seed Applied Technologies (East)

Corteva Agriscience Seed Applied Technologies (East)

Serious Seed Protection for your corn and soybean crops from Corteva Agriscience.... More
Assessing Hail Damage to Corn

Assessing Hail Damage to Corn

In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Matt Montgomery is in a cornfield that received extensive hail damage. While much of this particular field received extensive damage, Matt explains why he believes the damage is fairly superficial, with most of the damage to the leaves.... More
Q&A with Science Communication Experts - Seed World

Q&A with Science Communication Experts - Seed World

Hear from Kevin Folta, professor at the University of Florida and host of Talking Biotech; Robb Fraley, who commercialized the first GMO soybean and advocates for science; Kurtis Baute, who uses internet platforms as a staunch advocate for sustainability; and David Zaruk, professor at Odisee Uni... More
2021 Premiere Pulse Session – Dry Beans

2021 Premiere Pulse Session – Dry Beans

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers - With COVID-19 continuing to impact the way people gather, we have made some changes to our annual winter extension meetings. SPG is proud to announce the 2021 Premiere Pulse Virtual Series.... More

Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

We're very pleased to share a day in a life of the Wollmann family, one of our hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers farm families. Watch and learn how they take pride in providing fellow Manitobans with a nutritious source of local protein year-round.... More
5th Generation Farmer Reacts to SMART Seeder MAX™ and how it will "Change farming"

5th Generation Farmer Reacts to SMART Seeder MAX™ and how it will "Change farming"

"It's not even the seed spacing, it's everything, it's the seed bed, it's the fertilizer separation... it's everything. This is why the SMART Seeder MAX will change farming..."... More
Ontario Grain Farming 101: Farm Equipment

Ontario Grain Farming 101: Farm Equipment

Ontario grain farmers use many different types of equipment in the field to plant, manage their crop and harvest Ontario grains.... More
In With the Old: Genetic Diversity in Wheat with Dr. Sylvie Cloutier

In With the Old: Genetic Diversity in Wheat with Dr. Sylvie Cloutier

AgricultureCanadaEng - In With the Old: Genetic Diversity in Wheat with Dr. Sylvie Cloutier... More
Thank you, NEXT.?? | LAMBS EVERYWHERE!!!?? | Summer Lambing 2021

Thank you, NEXT.?? | LAMBS EVERYWHERE!!!?? | Summer Lambing 2021

On to the 'official' day two of lambing... AND WE ARE HALF DONE!!!... More
A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

Megan Schnur, Swine Technical Services Veterinarian at Norbrook, tells how Norbrook's research based solutions to generic pharmaceuticals makes their products more convenient and cost effective.... More
Grade One Seedling - Parents Video

Grade One Seedling - Parents Video

Every year, the Alberta government provides seedlings to all grade one students in the province to celebrate Alberta Forest Week and Arbor Day. This video will explain how to care for and plant your seedling so it can safely grow for many years.... More
Pioneer Protector HarvestMax Canola | Pioneer Canada

Pioneer Protector HarvestMax Canola | Pioneer Canada

Area Agronomist Trevor Herzog discusses how the Pioneer Protector® HarvestMax trait provides the flexibility to choose when and how to harvest canola for maximum yield potential and efficiency.... More
New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, USA Commercial Director at Jyga Technologies tell us about their Gestal Evo System which combines feed intake and blended feed to optimize nutritional goals. Dr. Frobose shows us how their unique feeding system for sows that manages the individual animals diet and streamline l... More
Leading the way in sustainability through innovative feeding

Leading the way in sustainability through innovative feeding

Todd Heisterkamp, Executive Director at Crystal Spring Hog Equipment tells us how their patented system improves daily gain while decreasing feed and water waste.... More
Improving your Herd’s Health and Profitability

Improving your Herd’s Health and Profitability

Meet an Elanco veterinarian who not only helps others improve their herd health but also puts many of those techniques to work on his own operation in Indiana.... More
Controlling Horn Flies

Controlling Horn Flies

Nebraska Extension Educator Dave Boxler discusses methods of controlling horn flies in cattle, from pesticides to traps.... More
Fighting off Famine

Fighting off Famine

Food insecurity is a persistent problem. In some cases, that insecurity has led to famine. The World Food Program estimates 155 million people in 55 countries faced acute hunger last year.... More
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