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Oregon Producers Start Crop Year In Drought
May 17, 2021
Oregon Producers Start Crop Year In Drought
Just about every indicator of drought is flashing red across the West. Reservoirs are being drawn down, river levels are dropping and soils are drying out.
Oregon Producers Start Crop Year In Drought
Just about every indicator of drought is flashing red across the West. Reservoirs are being drawn down, river levels are dropping and soils are drying out....
Wheat Diseases & Leaf Rust
Bob Hunger explains why we are currently seeing certain foliar diseases across the state....
Al's Forecast
Will this active weather pattern continue into the upcoming week? Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher tells us what’s next....
Vintage Versatile 895 Seeding Wheat in Manitoba 2021
I happened upon this really nice Versatile 895 seeding spring wheat just west of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Built in the early 1980's, it certainly has been well maintained to look this nice. It was a "little" windy and my drone kept sending me wind warnings, but I had to get some footage of this nic...
HORSCH Ontario Terrano 5.4GX Walkaround
Brent Vande Goor continues his walkaround series this spring with the HORSCH Terrano 5.4GX. The Terrano GX is an all-rounder that works perfectly for shallow as well as for deep cultivation up to 25 cm....
What is pesticide drift?
This educational video on preventing pesticide drift was produced by OMAFRA....
TTS Transplanter - Lettuce In Canada
TTS Transplanter - Automatically Transplanting Lettuce In Quebec, Canada, Northern Equipment Solutions...
Seeding Wheat In Canada
Seeding near Borden, Saskatchewan, Canada. We are in the middle of our seeding adventure! The peas are seeded and we are switched over to hard red spring wheat. It's still freezing some nights so spraying right now is being difficult. I try to get a couple tanks out in the afternoon....
Sheep Farming: Feeding Bottle Lambs
We don't have very many bottle lambs each year so it just isn't practical for us to invest time and thousands of dollars on a milk machine. We have to do it the old fashioned way - by hand. It is not a huge job. We currently have 13 bottle lambs that at the moment are being fed twice a day....
Calving Heifers
Alberta Ranch - Calving season in Alberta, Canada. Prepare for cuteness....
#FacesofFarming - Mil-En-Roy Farms
Saskatchewan Agriculture - Mil-En-Roy Farms is the feature of this month’s #facesoffarming installment. Through the use of automated robots and forward thinking techniques, they’ve created a successful system that directly benefits the comfort of the cows. #SaskAg...
APG Tailgate Talk Aphanomyces and other root rots
Alberta Pulse Growers - APG Policy & Program Specialist Nevin Rosaasen hosted a panel to discuss Aphanomyces & other root rots. The panel featured: Syama Chatterton, AAFC; Holly Gellech, SGS; Mike Hilhorst, Co-op Grow Team....
Canola Week 2020 - Day 1 - Session 2 - Canola Industry Meeting – Hosted by Doug Heath
Canola Council - Canola Week 2020 - Day 1 - Session 2 (Dec 1, 2020) - Canola Industry Meeting – Hosted by Doug Heath...
Pandemic Planting
As more people are getting vaccinated for coronavirus and a bit of normalcy is returning to everyday life, we take a look back on our interview with Veterinary Epidemiologist Brian Vander Ley from last year's planting season and remember the difficulties of planning around the pandemic....
Early Planting, High Prices Present Benefits and Challenges
Brent Renner, a soybean and corn farmer near Klemme and Iowa Soybean Association director, shares the top issues facing soybean production on his farm as we near a post-pandemic world....
Market Monitor
Kim Anderson says China imports of soybeans, corn and wheat are increasing, and are helping to drive global prices....
MF 8S | Wagon | Product Design 2021 Award Tractor of the Year
Prestigious Red Dot: Product Design 2021 Award for MF 8S Series tractors & Tractor of the year 2021!...
Know your Kubota: RTV-XG850 Engine Oil Filter & Transmission Check
Get to know your Kubota! Learn how to maintain your RTV-XG850 with an engine oil filter & transmission check....
Redefined 5M Tractors | John Deere
The redefined John Deere 5M Tractors deliver the productivity and performance customers demand. The 5M provides more horsepower, productive transmission options and more technology options in the mid-sized tractor that’s right for their operation....
T Series Lawn Tractors! T2090 and T2290's!
We revisit Kubota's T-Series lawn tractor line up! The humble cost, efficient T2090 and both luxury T2290's!...
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