Alvin and the chipmunks (live)
Dec 01, 2020

Video: Alvin and the chipmunks (live)

Watch Alvin And The Chipmunks - Christmas Song With lyrics
Song :Alvin
Artist :Audiowave
Album: Team Going Up
Licensed to YouTube by TuneCore (on behalf of Audiowave)

Alvin and the chipmunks (live)

Alvin and the chipmunks (live)

Watch Alvin And The Chipmunks - Christmas Song With lyrics... More
How Chickens help us Compost

How Chickens help us Compost

Dominic is trying to learn how to compost at home. In the beginning of October he built diy backyard compost bins with pallets. He made two stalls over the course of the one month of composting and may add a third stall later.... More
Food Waste Reduction Challenge

Food Waste Reduction Challenge

AgricultureCanadaEng - Food Waste Reduction Challenge... More
Your Field. Your Farm. Our Country. | Maizex Seeds

Your Field. Your Farm. Our Country. | Maizex Seeds

Maizex Seeds Inc - Your Field. Your Farm. Our Country. | Maizex Seeds... More
Tour BASF’s modernized Regina Facility

Tour BASF’s modernized Regina Facility

BASF AgSolutions CA - Tour BASF’s modernized Regina Facility - Go behind-the-scenes on a virtual tour hosted by BASF employees – the heart and soul of this facility .... More
Horticulture School

Horticulture School

Manitoba Agriculture - Horticulture School Topics covered today: Planning on Staying Profitable in the Era of Coronavirus 2020 Fruit Crop Season Summary Grasshoppers: How Weather Affects Levels and Management Options... More
The Hardest Harvest

The Hardest Harvest

The Hardest Harvest documentary shares the details of what happened at Nature Fresh Farms in the summer of 2020. Covid-19 has been devastating for many industries: for us, it led to the temporary removal of our workforce from our farms, as well as 7.8 million pounds of produce going to waste wit... More

FSA Updates

FSA Updates

Nebraska FSA Public Affairs/Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham provides some important updates and deadlines on various programs.... More
Sorghum As Grain Based Ethanol Production

Sorghum As Grain Based Ethanol Production

Agronomist Peter Tomlinson talks about the research being done at K-State and other Universities on testing grain sorghum to make it as competitive as corn in the grain ethanol industry.... More
Weed of the Week-Volunteer Soybeans

Weed of the Week-Volunteer Soybeans

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss control options if you have volunteer soybeans in corn and other crops.... More
4-H Upcycling Contest Can Be Challenging and Fun

4-H Upcycling Contest Can Be Challenging and Fun

There's an old saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure. It's an adage that was put to the test recently by more than sixty 4-H students who participated in the multi-state Upcycle Challenge. We take a look at a couple of the winning entries and what the inspiration was behind the c... More
How does the European Green Deal can affect pig producers? - Ana Granados Chapatte

How does the European Green Deal can affect pig producers? - Ana Granados Chapatte

How does the European Green Deal can affect pig producers? - Ana Granados Chapatte... More
Cropping Systems

Cropping Systems

Josh Lofton tells us why building a system will benefit long-term crops.... More
Swine Farm in Canada

Swine Farm in Canada

Conception of a production pig usually takes place by artificial insemination of a production sow. Prior to insemination, sows are placed in a specific mating unit after weaning of the previous litter. Usually sows come into oestrus within 4-6 days after weaning.... More
Pig Breeding

Pig Breeding

The owners of the Triporc farm open their doors and offer you a tour of their new installation which they refer to as ''the building of tomorrow''. You will witness firsthand EXATOP ventilation, an I-Tek innovation used to minimize Ammonium waste and produce an odorless atmosphere without tempe... More
The negative impact of diseases on pig production - Dr. Nicholas Gabler

The negative impact of diseases on pig production - Dr. Nicholas Gabler

The negative impact of diseases on pig production - Dr. Nicholas Gabler | Swine it... More
SMART Seeder MAX-S™ Virtual Launch - Precision Agriculture Conference 2020

SMART Seeder MAX-S™ Virtual Launch - Precision Agriculture Conference 2020

Incase you missed us click the play button for our virtual unveil and detailed introduction to the SMART Seeder MAX-S™ at the Precision Agriculture Conference hosted by "SMART Seeder MAX-S™ - Changing The Game On Agronomic Tools & High Resolution Digital Seeding/Planting" Precision ... More
Minister Bibeau announces Canada

Minister Bibeau announces Canada's Food Waste Reduction Challenge

AgricultureCanadaEng - Minister Bibeau announces Canada's Food Waste Reduction Challenge... More
New Holland Compact Disc and Subsoiler range

New Holland Compact Disc and Subsoiler range

New Holland adds to its comprehensive line up of tillage equipment with the new range of compact disc cultivators and subsoilers. The SDM disc cultivators are available in 3m - 7m working widths and feature 520mm notched discs while the heavier SDH range features large 610mm discs and heavy duty... More
Ruminant Nutrition - Protein Management with Optigen

Ruminant Nutrition - Protein Management with Optigen

Ruminant Nutrition - Protein Management with Optigen This simple 3D animation shows producers how Optigen works inside the animal to improve profitability and efficiency for dairy producers.... More
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