Managing foreign material in soybean: Pre-harvest preparations
Sep 25, 2020

Video: Managing foreign material in soybean: Pre-harvest preparations

Pre-harvest preparations are important for managing both weed seed banks and foreign material (FM) in the harvested grain.


Managing foreign material in soybean: Pre-harvest preparations

Managing foreign material in soybean: Pre-harvest preparations

Pre-harvest preparations are important for managing both weed seed banks and foreign material (FM) in the harvested grain.... More
Tackling Stress Key to Protecting Birds from Coryza Resurgence, Says Expert

Tackling Stress Key to Protecting Birds from Coryza Resurgence, Says Expert

Limiting stress in broiler flocks is key to preventing birds from succumbing to an infectious respiratory disease which is showing a resurgence in some areas of the US, according to a poultry expert.... More
Jefferson County Farm a Haven for Unwanted Animals

Jefferson County Farm a Haven for Unwanted Animals

Agriculture is a huge business in the North Country. Some farm animals are not needed or wanted, what happens to them?... More
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Sow herds seeking negative Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) status should use accurate gilt surveillance methods.... More
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FLx2407 Loader Removal and Install on Massey Ferguson E Series Compact Tractors

FLx2407 Loader Removal and Install on Massey Ferguson E Series Compact Tractors

Sometimes you can do a better job without the loader. Check out how easy it is to remove and re-install the FLx2407 loader on Massey Ferguson E Series compact tractors.... More
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AXION Front Hub Adjustment Tips | CLAAS of America... More

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John Deere XUV and HPX Utility Vehicles - MY21 Updates

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Updated XUV and HPX GATOR Utility Vehicles: Integrated park, simpler shifting, a four-wheel-drive switch, smoother power steering, and a new look. XUV and HPX GATORS make better performance convenient and comfortable.... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 10: Jeff Nielsen

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 10: Jeff Nielsen

In our tenth episode, Erin chats with Grain Growers of Canada outgoing chair Jeff Nielsen. They discuss GGC's Speech from the Combine, the highlights of Jeff's term as chair, and the legacy he hopes to leave behind.... More
WheatStalk - Sheri Strydhorst - "Bad Moon Rising - The value of early fungicide application"

WheatStalk - Sheri Strydhorst - "Bad Moon Rising - The value of early fungicide application"

WheatStalk's headliner Dr. Sheri Strydhorst presents "Bad Moon Rising - Revisiting the value of early fungicide application on wheat". Strydhorst analyzes the benefits of different fungicide timing on wheat and the economic benefit to farmers.... More
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Vaccinating, castrating, and tagging calves. Let's see if we can do this without getting kicked in the face.... More
Dropping The First Cut Of Hay

Dropping The First Cut Of Hay

SaskDutch Kid - Dropping The First Cut Of Hay... More
Weed ID: Pigweed VS. Waterhemp (Amaranthus species)

Weed ID: Pigweed VS. Waterhemp (Amaranthus species)

Extension Weed Specialist shows the differences between pigweed and water hemp, two common weeds found here in central Iowa.... More
Consumers Can Be Confident in Food Supply

Consumers Can Be Confident in Food Supply

During the pandemic consumers have had concerns about the availability of food.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Impacts of Delayed Stage 2

Cow-Calf Corner - Impacts of Delayed Stage 2

Glenn Selk explains how the length of the second stage of calving can impact the cow’s health.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson tells us about Black Sea wheat and why Oklahoma producers should sell some wheat.... More
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#BetweenTheVines - Episode 1: Grape King with John Fedorkow

We sat down with John Fedorkow, the 2019-2020 Grape King, to discuss everything from what it means to be awarded with the prestigious title of Grape King to his favourite VQA wine to sip on after a long, hard day of work.... More
Pioneer Corn Line-up - What

Pioneer Corn Line-up - What's New

Pioneer Agronomist, Greg Stopps, highlights new hybrids for the 2021 planting season.... More
Day 3 #GLGtour2020 in Delhi

Day 3 #GLGtour2020 in Delhi

Don Kabbes, general manager of Great Lakes Grain speaks with Devin Homick, origination grain coach for Great Lakes Grain near the FS Partners branch in Delhi, Ontario. They discuss the markets and how the crops are doing in this part of Ontario during week one of the 2020 Great Lakes Grain Crop ... More
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