Keeping Irrigation Costs Down
Aug 21, 2020

Video: Keeping Irrigation Costs Down

Nebraska Extension Cropping Systems Educator Steve Melvin explains how using soil water data can help manage irrigation and keep costs down during dry years.


Keeping Irrigation Costs Down

Keeping Irrigation Costs Down

Nebraska Extension Cropping Systems Educator Steve Melvin explains how using soil water data can help manage irrigation and keep costs down during dry years.... More
SD Record Soybean Crop Potential

SD Record Soybean Crop Potential

The soybean crop in South Dakota is one of the highest rated in the nation and the state could be on the way to a record crop.... More
Iron Talk -  Shatter Loss In Corn

Iron Talk - Shatter Loss In Corn

Darren Hefty talks about the economic impact of shatter loss at the header during corn harvest.... More
MF 2270 Large Square Baler Walkaround

MF 2270 Large Square Baler Walkaround

Take a closer look at our MF 2270 large square baler. It's designed to produce high-quality hay and provide high-capacity productivity.... More
Father vs. Son: IntelliSense™ Automation System in a CR Revelation Combine

Father vs. Son: IntelliSense™ Automation System in a CR Revelation Combine

Father and son go head to head in two seperate combines while demonstrating the effectiveness of the IntelliSense™ Automation system. It'll be the son's manual settings vs. dad's IntelliSense system selecting the best action out of 280 million possibilities every 20 seconds!... More
Case IH Farmall 95A 105A 115A Standard Features

Case IH Farmall 95A 105A 115A Standard Features

Video CIH Farmall 95A 105A 115A Standard Features 08 20 R01... More
How To Change Engine Oil and Oil Filter on John Deere Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mower

How To Change Engine Oil and Oil Filter on John Deere Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mower

To help your ZTrak™ last a long time, it's important to perform regular, scheduled maintenance. This video will show you how to change your engine oil and oil filter on your Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mower.... More

Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Learn how to use the Canola Calculator to determine the ideal target plant density for your field. The Canola Calculator can be found at More

Who's The Faster Milker?

SaskDutch Kid - Who's The Faster Milker?... More
Bourgault 8000 Series Air Seeder - New Product Presentation

Bourgault 8000 Series Air Seeder - New Product Presentation

The 8000 Series Air Seeder lineup offers a suite of premium features in a tank configuration that continues Bourgault’s legacy as the air seeder leader in the industry.... More
Q-Catch 86 Series Portable Cattle Handling System | Cattle Chute, Alley & Tub | Arrowquip

Q-Catch 86 Series Portable Cattle Handling System | Cattle Chute, Alley & Tub | Arrowquip

The new 2019 Q-Catch Portable Cattle Handling System has been completely redesigned with new electric jacks, rubber floor, Easy Flow cattle alley, and the new 3E BudFlow System. This system is designed for true portability and ease of towing, with a collapsible tub that measures just 64" wid... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson explains how the latest WASDE report compared to market expectations.... More

What's Up at Holstein USA - Evolution of Genomics with Mike Lohuis

What's Up at Holstein USA - Evolution of Genomics with Mike Lohuis... More
Introduction to A&L Labs Soil Health - VitTellus® Soil Health & VitTellus Bio?

Introduction to A&L Labs Soil Health - VitTellus® Soil Health & VitTellus Bio?

The A&L Research agronomy team developed the VitTellus® Soil Health analysis (launched Fall 2018) which is the next generation soil health test and recommendation package to help farmers and crop consultants make more informed decisions on application of nutrients and managing and improving thei... More
Thinning with an extra boost

Thinning with an extra boost

The next stop is at Birchleigh Farm to follow up with a fruit thinning trial that is a repeat from last year. The primary investigator is your guide Michelle Cortens, Tree Fruit Specialist with Perennia. She is especially interested to see how the heat wave affected the trial.... More
Top tips to manage Western Bean Cutworm in your fields

Top tips to manage Western Bean Cutworm in your fields

Bill Lester, Territory Sales Manager at Bayer Crop Science gives us some valuable tips on how to identify Western Bean Cutworm on our corn crop. He shares when to scout, and how to manage the pest if it is identified.... More
ONE BIG DAY! (The Last Day of Wheat Harvest 2020)

ONE BIG DAY! (The Last Day of Wheat Harvest 2020)

OUR LAST DAY OF WHEAT HARVEST 2020!! Which means, the straw we leave behind the combine needs baled! We bale some straw for the sheep (bedding), and the rest is sold to our neighbours (and friends) that also recently had a devastating fire that took out ALL their 2019 and early 2020 straw and h... More
Verified Beef Production Plus - Davidson Cattle Co.

Verified Beef Production Plus - Davidson Cattle Co.

The Davidsons completed their Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) on-farm audit and received certification in the fall of 2019. Going forward, the Davidsons will be selling calves from their VBP+ certified operation. Those calves have been age verified and registered in TrustBIX’s Business Info... More
Feeding Cows at -40

Feeding Cows at -40

We thaw water bowls, feed and bed cattle all while enjoying temperatures down to -45.... More
Bourgault 3820 ParaLink Coulter Drill - New Product Release

Bourgault 3820 ParaLink Coulter Drill - New Product Release

The Bourgault 3820 ParaLink™ Coulter Drill incorporates the new ParaLink Row opener, a new design that allows the 3820 PCD to operate effectively as a volumetric seeder and planter! The Bourgault Air Planter™ Product Delivery System gives producers for the first time the ability to seed and pla... More
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