How To Choose Proper Livestock Ventilation Fans?
Aug 07, 2020

Video: How To Choose Proper Livestock Ventilation Fans?

This video overviews helpful ways you can save energy by choosing and maintaining proper livestock ventilation fans.


How To Choose Proper Livestock Ventilation Fans?

How To Choose Proper Livestock Ventilation Fans?

This video overviews helpful ways you can save energy by choosing and maintaining proper livestock ventilation fans.... More
Antibiotic Resistance in Swine: Antibiotic Surveillance

Antibiotic Resistance in Swine: Antibiotic Surveillance

Data from nearly 2 decades of experience in a large veterinary practice indicate minimal resistant infections in swine, but that will not deter efforts to maximize preventive care and minimize the need for antibiotics.... More
Farm Bureau Report: Dairy Farmers need a Voice in Milk Pricing

Farm Bureau Report: Dairy Farmers need a Voice in Milk Pricing

While milk prices continue to improve in Idaho and across the nation, there’s still work to be done to maintain milk profits.... More
Recruiting New Owners For Kansas Businesses

Recruiting New Owners For Kansas Businesses

Recruiting New Owners For Kansas Businesses.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says U.S. Dollar Index has declined 10 percent, but that could make producers more competitive in the grain markets.... More
How To Attach your John Deere 260B Backhoe

How To Attach your John Deere 260B Backhoe

Attaching your John Deere 260B Backhoe is easy when you know how. Just follow the steps in this DIY video. Be sure to consult your Tractor model Operator’s Manual. For Ballast information and other details, please consult your Front Loader Operator's Manual and your Backhoe Operator's Manual.... More
Case IH Speed Tiller 475 Wing Flex Torsion System

Case IH Speed Tiller 475 Wing Flex Torsion System

Chris Lursen from Case IH on Speed Tiller 475 Wing Flex Torsion System... More

JAGUAR Start Chopping Menu Tips

JAGUAR Start Chopping Menu Tips

Learn how to use the Start Chopping and Chopping Menus on the CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester.... More
RB4100V Premium Silage Cutter Round Baler

RB4100V Premium Silage Cutter Round Baler

Massey Ferguson has taken round baling to another level. Although these are silage cutter round balers, many are finding that it bales all crops better. Available in 4x5 or 4x6 versions.... More
TurboDrum Webinar

TurboDrum Webinar

A short Webinar that will provide you with more information on the features and benefits of TurboDrum.... More
Karen Beauchemin

Karen Beauchemin

AgricultureCanadaEng - Karen Beauchemin... More
Land reclamation in Canada

Land reclamation in Canada's oil and natural gas industry: Animated explainer

Did you know all lands disturbed by oil and natural gas production are reclaimed? Oil and gas producers are required by law to return the lands, once they are finished with them, back to an equivalent, self-sustaining ecosystem with native plants, soil and so on.... More
Portable Squeeze Chute, Alley & Tub Demo | Portable Q-Catch 86 Series | Arrowquip

Portable Squeeze Chute, Alley & Tub Demo | Portable Q-Catch 86 Series | Arrowquip

The Portable Q-Catch 86 Series Cattle Handling System gives you all of the features and accessibility you need with the added benefit of portability! The system is built on a single piece steel frame, ensuring the strength and durability of your portable system, and incl... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin

Congress searches for common ground with agriculture hanging in the balance. Pairing established businesses with the next wave of ownership. Market analysis with Sue Martin.... More
Miississippi RIver Dredging Project Will Help SD Farmers

Miississippi RIver Dredging Project Will Help SD Farmers

A major dredging project on the lower Mississippi River will deepen the top ag export channel from 45 to 50 feet. The dredging will save 13 cents per bushel of freight, a $461 million increase in farmer revenue as vessels can load up to 500,000 additional bushels of grain. Michelle Rook report... More
Soybean Growth Stages V2 to V5

Soybean Growth Stages V2 to V5

Dr. Alex Lindsey demonstrates how to stage soybeans from V2 to V5.... More
Potatoes in 2020

Potatoes in 2020

Potatoes in 2020... More
Suspicious Seeds

Suspicious Seeds

Officials in over two dozen states, including Nebraska, are issuing warnings to anyone who may have received unsolicited packages of seeds from China. Julie Van Meter, Nebraska Department of Agriculture State Entomologist, explains what to do if they were mailed to you.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee says these late July rains have helped reduce the temperatures for most of the state. Gary McManus shows us how those rains impacted the drought monitor.... More
How We Breed Our Sheep in the Summer!

How We Breed Our Sheep in the Summer!

Breeding season is here! Except... for a sheep, we have to set the mood. Sheep breed typically in the shorter day lengths, so summer breeding can be challenging... in this video, I discuss how I try to make this happen and we see the sheep over the week to observe progress!... More
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