Time For The Calves To Move Out!
Apr 30, 2020

Video: Time For The Calves To Move Out!

SaskDutch Kid - Time For The Calves To Move Out!


Time For The Calves To Move Out!

Time For The Calves To Move Out!

SaskDutch Kid - Time For The Calves To Move Out!... More
5020 john deere being a hoss!!

5020 john deere being a hoss!!

South Sask Farmer - 5020 john deere being a hoss!!... More
Snowplowing!! Bobcat S650 Skid Steer

Snowplowing!! Bobcat S650 Skid Steer

Got my Bobcat snowplow out and fixed. Time to plow!!... More
Promoting Beef During a Pandemic

Promoting Beef During a Pandemic

Buck Wehrbein, Chair of the Federation of State Beef Councils and Nebraska feedlot manager, explains how beef promotion programs have responded to the Covid-19 crisis – using social media to reach consumers with recipe ideas, advertising, and information to reassure that beef is a safe, healthy ... More
Holding Cattle Past Marketing Dates

Holding Cattle Past Marketing Dates

Paul Beck has options for cattle producers who have livestock ready for marketing.... More
Burndown Herbicide Applications

Burndown Herbicide Applications

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss options for burndown herbicides.... More
Milk as Fertilizer

Milk as Fertilizer

Rick Koelsch, Livestock Environmental Engineer, explains how milk that’s unable to be sold could be used as a fertilizer instead.... More

Ag Minute - Corn Planting Begins

Ag Minute - Corn Planting Begins

Darren Hefty explains why farmers may like to plant corn as soon as they can in the spring.... More
How America

How America's Farmers and Ranchers Are Reducing Environmental Impact

Analysis of EPA’s latest data, combined with USDA's data, shows farmers and ranchers are doing more with less—reducing their environmental impact as they produce more food, fuel and fiber using fewer natural resources.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson adapts his marketing theory of “a third, a third, and a third,” and says producers could take advantage of prices at harvest.... More
Field Demonstration in Stratford, Ontario

Field Demonstration in Stratford, Ontario

Agronomist Mike Nuttall demonstrates the benefits of the Farm For Profit Program at an Information Field Day for customers.... More
Here for Canada

Here for Canada

Canadian dairy farmers continue to work tirelessly, day-in and day-out, to ensure that Canadians can feed their families with milk produced to standards among the highest in the world.... More
Soybean Harvest April 2020

Soybean Harvest April 2020

This doesn't happen very often, but with the wet conditions last fall, some guys waited rather than making ruts throughout the fields.... More
Farmland Health Check-Up: Promoting Stewardship and Sustainability

Farmland Health Check-Up: Promoting Stewardship and Sustainability

The Farmland Health Check-Up provides farmers in the LEADS Eligible Area with a unique opportunity to work with a CCA or P.Ag free of charge.... More
Quarantine Farm Shenanigans

Quarantine Farm Shenanigans

The past 2 days have been crazy. In this video I harrow the yard and the Langenburg Richardson Pioneer gets knocked down.... More
Frozen cultivators and a cooked transmission

Frozen cultivators and a cooked transmission

South Sask Farmer - Frozen cultivators and a cooked transmission... More
The Truth About Artificial Insemination

The Truth About Artificial Insemination

Figured I'd make a video addressing this controversial topic!... More
Winter Calving Update!

Winter Calving Update!

Northern farmer - We have lots of calves... More
Food donation

Food donation

As part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, the USDA is fulfilling an urgent request by the American Farm Bureau Federation and in doing so, is helping to Feeding America.... More
World meat trade declines

World meat trade declines

World Ag Outlook Chair Mark Jekanowski says USDA is forecasting a reduction in the global meat trade. Jekanowski points to anticipated production changes for the meat sector.... More
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