Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum
Oct 22, 2019

Video: Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum

How do you control Texas Panicum? In this week's Weed of the Week, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss just that.

Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum

Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum

How do you control Texas Panicum? In this week's Weed of the Week, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss just that.... More

Al's Forecast

Temperatures got a bit more comfortable this week. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Fitbit for Cows

Fitbit for Cows

Do you wear some sort of digital device to keep track of your daily activities? More than half of Americans do.... More
Understanding ARC and PLC

Understanding ARC and PLC

The 2018 Farm Bill gave farmers the opportunity to reassess their selections for the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs for the 2019 and 2020 growing seasons.... More
AgweekTV: NDLA Pork Month

AgweekTV: NDLA Pork Month

Too often pork producers get a bad rap for their practices but Jenny Schlecht talks with Brian Zimprich on ways pork producers are good stewards.... More


Tim Chancellor, President of the Nebraska Pork Producers Association Board is celebrating Pork Month by visiting with Pure Nebraska about the importance of Nebraska's pork industry. He discusses the growth in production and the importance of exports to the Nebraska economy.... More
African Swine Fever in Canada PSA

African Swine Fever in Canada PSA

African Swine Fever (ASF) is a serious issue around the world right now, in partnership with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency here are some tips for preventing the spreading of the disease into other countries, especially Canada.... More

visit the piggies

visit the piggies

We finally got to get out and see the piggies we rescued and gave to dara farm sanctuary.... More
Harvesting wheat in central Alberta

Harvesting wheat in central Alberta

I got the chance to visit my family farm in Killam, AB a few times in September / October. I live in a big city now but always jump at the chance to go back and help when I can. The crops are great this year but still fairly high in moisture. It's a race to get them harvested before the snow ... More


today i take you guys with me looking at a custom crew chopping hauling and packing corn silage on are farm in Saskatchewan Canada.... More
Trying to combine soybeans!

Trying to combine soybeans!

Trying to combine soybeans!... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

The renewable fuels industry gets whiplash. The winner of the 2019 World Food Prize breeds new seeds to save lives. Market analysis with Dan Hueber.... More
Fall Herbicide Applications

Fall Herbicide Applications

Misha Manuchehri says there’s still time for wheat producers to apply herbicides for ryegrass. She also tells us about the research underway on terminating rescue grass.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Dressing Percentage

Cow-Calf Corner - Dressing Percentage

Glenn Selk explains how dressing percentage impacts sale prices.... More
Tractors and Farmers feed people :) Blyth, Ontario Canada Hosts these brave farmers new and old!

Tractors and Farmers feed people :) Blyth, Ontario Canada Hosts these brave farmers new and old!

Huron Pioneer Thresher & Hobby Association has once again in 2019 brought you this excellent Celebration of Generations of Farmers that keep us all fed !... More
Growing sustainably: a look inside the VanderHout family’s cucumber business

Growing sustainably: a look inside the VanderHout family’s cucumber business

Owners Jan and Dale VanderHout rely on innovative practices like biological pest control, biomass heat and a recirculating water system to keep the 27-acre Beverly Greenhouses growing.... More
RC Big Rock Switchgrass Field Visit in Quebec

RC Big Rock Switchgrass Field Visit in Quebec

A switchgrass field visit at the Farm of switchgrass seed producer Normand Caron near valleyfield Quebec in August 2019.... More
Manure, Tillage & Cover crops

Manure, Tillage & Cover crops

We've been really busy since wheat harvest wrapped spreading manure, working into the soil, and planting cover crops. This process is the main backbone for our crop production system. The manure provides nutrients to the crops over the next three years and the cover crops help retain the nutri... More
Extreme High Speed V and Rotary Racking, Fendt and more!

Extreme High Speed V and Rotary Racking, Fendt and more!

Fendt 828, Fendt 718, Fendt 712, Fendt 818, Claas 2900 Liner, New Holland V Rake, Case RB64 Round Baler, Claas Uniwrap Baler, McHale 99BC self loading wrapper Macdon swather.... More

Canada's Farm Progress Show - International Investment

Canada's Farm Progress Show saw an estimated $357-million in sales through more than 900 international visitors and buyers from 54 countries over three days! Here's Scott Summach from Saskatchewan Trade and Export Development, and Dr. Jimmy Mirchandani from Aries Agro Ltd. speaking on the succes... More
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