6M Tractor Walkaround
Sep 26, 2019

Video: 6M Tractor Walkaround

Updated 6M Tractors now offer more options and feature a new cab design that will make jobs easier and more comfortable! In addition, the 6110M and 6120M models have been redesigned for better visibility and maneuverability.


6M Tractor Walkaround

6M Tractor Walkaround

Updated 6M Tractors now offer more options and feature a new cab design that will make jobs easier and more comfortable! In addition, the 6110M and 6120M models have been redesigned for better visibility and maneuverability.... More
CLAAS LEXION 8000-700 Series Combine Teaser

CLAAS LEXION 8000-700 Series Combine Teaser

Catch a first glimpse of the all-new CLAAS LEXION 8000-7000 series combine.... More
Farm Technic: March 2019 Silage Harvest

Farm Technic: March 2019 Silage Harvest

Krone Big X 750, Ag Trucks in Action... More
InVigor RATE - Optimal Seeding Rates

InVigor RATE - Optimal Seeding Rates

Growers understand that the number of seeds they plant does not equate to the number of plants that make it to harvest. A number of factors influence survivability, including the canola hybrid being seeded. The InVigor® Product Excellence Team has worked hard to determine the optimal seeding rat... More
Vibrance Quattro protects cereal crops against seed and soil borne diseases

Vibrance Quattro protects cereal crops against seed and soil borne diseases

Western Seedcare Technical Lead Ted Labun talks about how Vibrance Quattro, a new seed treatment from Syngenta, offers growers elevated, more consistent disease protection.... More
Mowing hay Till Midnight!!

Mowing hay Till Midnight!!

Cutting down some alfalfa and trying to beat the rain!... More
U.S. Beef Producers Get Inside Look at Japanese Market

U.S. Beef Producers Get Inside Look at Japanese Market

Japan has long been one of the top destinations for U.S. beef. The Cattlemen to Cattlemen cameras tagged along on a recent trade mission to Japan to learn more about the relationship between our two countries and see firsthand how the Beef Checkoff works to promote U.S. beef in Japan.... More

New OSU beardless wheat variety seed available for fall planting

New OSU beardless wheat variety seed available for fall planting

We’re excited to learn about the Oklahoma State University Wheat Improvement Team’s new wheat variety, OK Corral. Brett Carver tells us how this beardless wheat variety gives dual-purpose producers options after grazing.... More
Film Examines Grain Bin Safety

Film Examines Grain Bin Safety

A new film called “Silo” focuses on the dangers of grain bin entrapment. Filmmaker Sam Goldberg shares what inspired him to make the movie, and how he hopes “Silo” can help prevent more farming accidents.... More
Prepping Crops for Harvest

Prepping Crops for Harvest

Jenny Rees, Nebraska Extension Educator, breaks down the top corn and soybean diseases she’s seeing as we head into harvest.... More
UAV Technology and Weed Science, Beyond Weed Scouting

UAV Technology and Weed Science, Beyond Weed Scouting

UAV technology is being incorporated into agriculture, from scouting crops and fruit trees to counting and tracking cattle.... More
White Mold in Soybean: Symptoms and Management Recommendations

White Mold in Soybean: Symptoms and Management Recommendations

In this video, Dr. Damon Smith with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, discusses white mold on soybean.... More
Farm Basics - What is a Chopping Corn Head?

Farm Basics - What is a Chopping Corn Head?

In this week's Farm Basic, Brian and Darren discuss a why combines may use a Chopping Corn Head, and what the advantage of one is.... More
Our Community - Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Community - Corporate Social Responsibility

The Hudson family and everyone at Burnbrae Farms are proud to give back in many ways, to support and enhance communities and the lives of Canadians one egg at a time.... More
Honey Extracting

Honey Extracting

Paul Kelly, Research and Apiary Manager, with the help of Apiary Assistants Taylor and Catherine, demonstrate the honey extracting system used at the University of Guelph.... More
Hayden Dooney, a young grower from Simcoe, Ontario

Hayden Dooney, a young grower from Simcoe, Ontario

Hayden grew up on a family farm in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. After traveling for work, he settled down in Simcoe, working for Norfolk Fruit Growers Association and buying his first orchard with his wife, Amanda.... More
Help optimize crop health with Performance+ early in season

Help optimize crop health with Performance+ early in season

Syngenta Technical Lead Brady Code discusses the importance of protecting potato plants early for better plant performance later in the season.... More
Soy Masters - Branching Varieties

Soy Masters - Branching Varieties

Bryce Rampton, Soybean Product Development Agronomist for Western Canada, explains how to decide what to plant soybeans at for population.... More
Managing Potato Virus Y Webinar

Managing Potato Virus Y Webinar

Hosted by SpudSmart Magazine. In this webinar on Managing Potato Virus Y. participants will learn about: • Tools needed for PVY planning and management • What challenges growers are facing with respect to PVY and why • New tactics researchers are developing to fight PVY Presenters: • D... More
Planting Paper Pots by Hand

Planting Paper Pots by Hand

Planting Paper Pots by Hand... More
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